





即便他说了不会爱自己 ~身为原魔王的伯爵千金被严肃认真的军人投喂,获得了幸福~

——我不会爱你。政治结婚的初夜,丈夫突然说出『不会爱你』宣言,亚薇盖尔感到了焦虑。那也就是说………连饭也不会给她吗!? 前世身为魔王,今生一直被家人虐待的伯爵千金,在被严肃认真的军人丈夫投喂后,获得了幸福。新式投喂恋爱故事开幕!






























内容简介:  本书又名《千年回溯》。第31届中国科幻银河奖最佳网络文学获奖作品。……【62章起飞,92章爆炸。这是个凡夫俗子把自己硬顶成文明救世主的故事。】1977年,旅行者升空。2010年,旅 行者二号向地球发送回一些奇怪的信息。2021年7月,旅行者二号提前四年彻底失联。二十六世纪初,地球文明被封锁圈养。3020年10月27日上午十点,人类灭亡。在灭亡的前一年,二十一世纪的普通青年陈锋穿越时空,抵达了千年之后,并且他发现自己死后将会回到二十一世纪。在未来阅读历史,在历史中改变未来。陈锋开始在这看似永恒的循环中,为自己与人类寻找黑暗中的唯一曙光。【读者群火锅粉《一号桌》:489337956。】1w0-2112 >>


内容简介:  平凡小伙偶获超级传承,从此开启美妙的人生之旅,踏上世界首富之路。1w0-2702


内容简介:《斗罗之司法天神》读人生长恨水长东后,心情久久不能平复。杨戬三界最强者之一手握天庭司法大权怎么会落得如此下场杨戬将会在斗罗大陆有一段新的人生,必将重回三界。“待我重临三界之日,诸多逆臣 死去之时。”本书又叫《从斗罗开始君临三界》不是无敌文,有剧情的,更新稳定,可以放心入坑(本书魔改较多,是真的多,接受能力不强的还是别点进来了,这更像是一本披着斗罗皮的玄幻文,但是喜欢这种的千万不要错过啊。)书友群:1514028611w0-81682 >>


内容简介:【已完结】亲眼目睹男友和闺蜜的活春宫,她果断让男友变成前男友,并闪婚年轻俊朗的亿万富豪。人前,他是光彩熠熠的豪门阔少,最有前途的青年才俊。人后,他是五好老公:文能上厅堂、武能下厨房,白 天宠妻100招,晚上让她当新娘。她不满抗议:“今晚你睡沙发,我睡床。”“……”1w0-27133 >>


General Tokugawa was given 13 sacred swords to bring peace to Japan. However just when Tokugawa started a new dynasty, he was assassinated by his 12 commanders, aka masters of the 12 sacred swords. The last one, Crimson Firebird, was given to Dohran, Tokugawa's naive son . Many years have passed and now, under the cover of a travelling performer, Dohran is seeking revenge and also to bring back the smile in the faces of people.

Sensei To Himitsu

Chapter 1-2 & Extra: Kaji's woken up from his nap hearing popular Tsunoda sensei getting hot and heavy with another guy! But it's his partner, the plain Aritou sensei that Kaji can't stop thinking about. Kaji's eyes are being opened as he finds that the needs and dark desires that can bind together lovers aren't always about love... Chapter 3-6: An assistant proffessor of agriculture quits his collage due to budget cuts. When looking for a new place to conduct his reasearch, he meets a boy willing to help him with his experiments what ever it may entail.

The Undertaker

Sakura Hayato is a normal high school student - except for the fact that he is abnormally popular with ghosts, which is quite frankly a pain in the neck to him. Just then, he meets the -Undertaker-, who claims his duty is to send off spirits to the other world... This is the oneshot version of -Undertaker Riddle- which is currently being serialised in GanGan Online.

Meteo Emblem

Long ago...In a very distant past...It is said that civilization had developed to high degrees, and its people spent peaceful and plentiful days without an inconvenience..The people thought their peaceful and tranquil lives would continue forever. But...On that day when the 「stars」 fell from the skies...Legend tells us that all civilization on earth announced its end...And perished in an instant... However...The stars that fell on 「that day」 did not merely bring about destruction to earth...In the flowing long months and days...The mysterious powers possessed by the stars gave a new potential to people That possibility...Was a 「new mankind」 who were gifted with power from the stars...From the day the new mankind became aware of the mysterious power attained from the stars... it started its research on the usage of the 「power」. This is the raising of the curtain of the era of a new civilization by the 「power of the stars」, Meteo Civilization, Along with the birth of a new era, the power of the stars that surpassed mankind and transcends everything...Meaning a new star, the people started to call it 「Nova」

Modern Painting

Modern Painting summary: Modern Painting summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Modern Painting. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Book Of Days_ A Novel

Book Of Days_ A Novel summary: Book Of Days_ A Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Book Of Days_ A Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Tree of Knowledge

The Tree of Knowledge summary: The Tree of Knowledge summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tree of Knowledge. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Sword Of Galaxy

The Sword Of Galaxy summary: “We campaigned for a century, prevailing against all obstacles. The sole exception being the Marshal, who could not be defeated…… The military fame of the Marshal endures, yet the Alliance has been utterly crushed. From this day forth, all the glory belongs to the Marshal, himself.” As the Alliance that governed for a thousand years crumbled, the Galactic Empire rose into power. The supreme military leader of the Alliance, Gavin Silla, refused to surrender and chose to fight to the death for his nation. “Your Majesty, in the Age of Old Earth, mint blossoms were believed to be an omen for reunion. In the language of flower it means— —hoping to see you once more”

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