


































内容简介:  其实我是一个律师。  ――张·益达·爱情公寓唯一没有cp·斯内克·大炮·尔康·金甲战士·律政先锋·伟  群:905473207Ps:本书已完结,无大力,大力粉不要入坑了,会伤心的1 w0-3932 >>


内容简介:  穿越到斗罗的世界里,先天魂力满级,武魂觉醒!因为知道未来事态的发展,他唯有变强,唯有在艰难的环境下茁壮成长一次次破下记录,开启自我的修炼之旅,留下属于他的传奇自此,蓝电霸王龙宗中, 又有一个闻名遐迩的天才,他就是玉天恒的弟弟……玉天离他说:“我所想的不多,我只想尽快提升实力,好在危险来临之际有自保能力。”在这强者为尊的斗罗大陆里,玉天离有了自己想要守护的东西拥有顶级武魂、惊人实力的他,为了守护他想守护的一切,一怒惊天地,只为初心……书友群:1141551138单女主(起点首发)1w0-2432 >>


内容简介:小兵提供佚名小说白葭陆言遇最新章节小兵小说白葭陆言遇全文免费在线阅读佚名小说白葭陆言遇讲述了:白葭上辈子本来是个凄惨小白花的人设。亲爸不疼,继母继妹算计。她穷尽一生也没能翻盘。这一世重 活,她一不小心撞进了总裁大人的怀里,得到爆棚运气加持。本想正式开启斗渣,打脸模式!熟料总裁大人却事事身先士卒。白葭头疼,“陆言遇,不需要你动手,我自己能够解决!”总裁大人睨她一眼,“这么能?”1w0-127941 >>


内容简介:“叮!”“第1233笔交易完成,完成度800!”“奖励:【千年时间】、【万载寿命】、【神品天赋】、一副【绝世容颜】、一柄【圣器之王】……”陈凡早已习以为常,懒得继续看完,随手扔进库房。 自从掌管万界钱庄系统,他每天耍耍剑,练练刀,和美女唠唠嗑,便是资源不断,实力暴涨,众生向往、万族臣服!1w12184-28940 >>


内容简介:前世,顾惜死活粘着未婚夫,可未婚夫宁愿要她的闺蜜也不要她。然而,对于那个霸道强势的男人,她却唯恐避之不及,怨他,恼他,恨他。明明男人权势滔天,但她依旧硬着骨头和他作对。重生后,她决定首 先抱紧男人的大腿,毕竟有靠山,谁不要?但怎么回事……她要找新欢,九叔不让。她要进军娱乐圈收割成片男票,九叔直接封了娱乐圈。嘤嘤……九叔,你到底要干嘛?男人黑着脸,环着女人的身子,冷冷说道:“我要你!”1w0-2644 >>

Anagle Mole

Luchiru is a Majin who lives beneath the surface of the earth. He was sent on the surface of the earth as a Spy who will gather information in order to defeat the humans who is living above it. But the problem is 'Majin's have a different understanding about Humans, they strongly believe that the Human Race are far more superior than Majin's in every sort of way, but in fact it is the other way around. How would Luchiru survive in the Human World where he has different point of views on the strength of Human that he Strongly believe that just a touch would make him combust and be disintegrated in an instant?!

Papa I Love You

Kaoru has a little problem (two to be exact) he's suddenly got two bundles of joy dropped on his doorsteps thanks to his slacker brother. Despite their rough start it really does look like they can all become a family but it sees like one of them might not just be thinking of him as 'papa' but as something more... another funny story by Mishima Kazuhiko that's a must read for any Yaoi fan The businessman Mayama Kaoru's life changes drastically when his two nephews show up on his doorstep. Keigo (16) and Akio (5) were abandoned by their father and driven out of their apartment. Despite the fact Kaoru has had no contact with their family, he’s too kind-hearted to say no and takes them in. Soon the three of them start leading a warm, happy family life. However, Keigo suddenly kisses him one day. Was it a sign of family affection or something more?


From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Who ever said that if your life is too fortunate, you have to marry an ugly person?! Because of a fortune teller’s silly prediction, Yang Mimi suffers with awful suitors. The faces of the men her father bring home grow more and more startling... Does Mimi really have to give up her happiness in this way? As if she’ll let that happen! If Mimi is to find happiness, she’ll have to find her own husband! It doesn’t matter who, as long as his face doesn’t make her gasp!

Sekai Wa Kimi No Te No Naka

A collection of one-shot yaoi stories 1)The World in Your Hand- Natsuo Kanda's not sure who started the rumors about him being gay, but everyone at his office seems to be talking about it. His only consolation is the escort service he hires every month, and the night of pleasure that follows. This month is different, since his escort is newcomer Masachika. Despite being huge, the childish and puppy-like Chika is exactly what Natsuo needs, and even though it's a business relationship he finds himself growing more attached to the younger man... 2)Our New Year's Event- Actor Keita Otoo has managed to get New Year's Eve off, and plans to spend the night making love to his super cool boyfriend Ryouhei Nemuro. Keita's been so busy lately, they've barely had time to see each other. But with a night of wine and romance planned, what could possibly go wrong? 3)Gaka to Gakyou- Writer Aiji Hirakawa has trouble interacting with others, and so only has one friend, Takafumi Shibata, the son of very wealthy parents. While Aiji struggles, Shibata lives a relaxed life, something that annoys Aiji, even as he tries to suppress his feelings. But when he loses his temper and snaps at Shibata, the drunken Shibata pushes him down and...! 4)My Feelings 5)Beautiful Days

My Lucky Life In And Out Of Show Busines

My Lucky Life In And Out Of Show Busines summary: My Lucky Life In And Out Of Show Busines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Lucky Life In And Out Of Show Busines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pierre and Jean

Pierre and Jean summary: Pierre and Jean summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pierre and Jean. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kentucky In American Letters

Kentucky In American Letters summary: Kentucky In American Letters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kentucky In American Letters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Imperial Uncle

Imperial Uncle summary: Imperial Uncle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Imperial Uncle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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