


































内容简介:怒拳为谁握?护国安邦惩奸恶!热血因何燃?斩妖除魔卫民安!破最诡的案,斗最凶之徒,杀最狂之敌!这是一本属于真正的男人的书!QQ福利群:129038134,每天不定时发放各种福利哦,拿到你 手软!1w0-60003 >>




内容简介:  重生之初,周某人最初的愿望只是能做一个一年365天每天收一次年租的包租公。  可惜,不知什么时候,他的生活没有了悠闲。  隐形的财富,从百万富翁、亿万富豪,一步步超越福布斯富豪榜上 的名字。  曾几何时,随手一弹,便是盛夏。  《书友群234389391,全订可入全订群》1w0-2570 >>


内容简介:竹马是女主白月光笔趣阁,竹马是女主白月光sodu,竹马是女主白月光小说,竹马是女主白月光顶点,竹马是女主白月光酸奶蛋糕,程澄发现自己是本重生文里那的炮灰,里面女主前世为爱离家,最后落个 凄凉下场,结果女主重回一世,发现某某前世成长为一代大佬,爱她入骨,甚至为了给她报仇,导致家破人亡,于是,这一世,她决定好好珍惜他,再也不去追那道名为季旻的光。而程澄好巧不巧就是那位大佬的女朋友,还是女主替身,最后,占了家破人亡里的那一个亡字?程澄一气之下,远离男女主准备做个海王,第一个就是少时就暗戳戳想染指的邻家大哥哥,她家五年前破产,他家七年前破产两人有共同话题!但她撩着撩着,忽然发现破产大哥哥不对劲,一颗扣子够她吃好几顿饭?程澄捏着那颗扣子,傻了会,然后跑了。季旻有天就是回学校看看,然后就看到个不太熟的邻家小姑娘叽叽喳喳说个不停,一直跟他聊破产的事?结果有一天,她跑的无影无踪,还偷走了他的扣子。季旻一手捏着那件缺了扣子的衬衫,脸黑了。后来。原女主等啊等的,还没等到原男主翻身的那一天,忽然有一天,她看到几个保镖守在酒店走廊,然后远远看到前世那道翻手为云覆手为雨的光,一把拉住程澄,最后进了房间久久没出来文案写于2020918,已截图。11w0-95695 >>


内容简介:叶家弟子叶尘偶有奇遇,获得十二枚上古图腾。每一枚图腾激活之后,都可以开启一项神秘能力,并且习得一本上古武学。从此以后,叶尘将不再是一名碌碌无为的外门弟子,而是一跃崛起,名扬天下,成为妖 孽一般的存在。斩上古妖兽、夺无上重宝。入惊险秘境,战绝世强者。一段精彩纷呈的强者之路,尽在不死战神!1w0-2205 >>

Chaos;head - Blue Complex

Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens... Takumi Nishijo suffers from intense delusions as a result of his apparent schizophrenia and the extremely secluded lifestyle he lives as a hikkikomori. One day he accidentally stumbles upon a gruesome murder scene, a part of a chain of events called 'New Generation.' After this, his life gets caught up in these events, and he meets a bunch of increasingly insane anime girls with swords.

The Record Of War In Crodia

The Record of War in Crodia summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Record of War in Crodia. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Stigma I

Stork, the man with no memories, and Tit, the boy with no home, travel across the grim world where the sky is grey and the birds are believed extinct. They have met accidentally and continued together, both searching. Stork searches for his past and Tit searches for a bird. They are followed by the dark mysterious man, who may have relation to Stork's past.

Kono Uta Wa Kimi No Tameni

From Midnight Scans: Akira, a student of the music department, played the violin only for Ibuki who is her teacher and lover. Akira is entirely devoted to Ibuki while Ibuki's love devours all of Akira to where she has lost the distinction of herself. She believed that Ibuki was her entire world. That was until she met Seike Hayato, a classmate who is the complete opposite of her... An intense, sad love story unfolds on stage in the world of classical music!

Ashes - D Day In The Ashes

Ashes - D Day In The Ashes summary: Ashes - D Day In The Ashes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ashes - D Day In The Ashes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

How To Win Games And Beat People

How To Win Games And Beat People summary: How To Win Games And Beat People summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of How To Win Games And Beat People. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Perfect Wife

The Perfect Wife summary: The Perfect Wife summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Perfect Wife. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower!

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower! summary: Lin Wanwan is a pitiful mentally-disabled girl. Not only does she suffer abuse from her stepmother, her stepmother even attempts to use her as a s.e.xual commodity to pleasure others. Eventually, the poor Wanwan dies from an overdose&h.e.l.lip; 
Perhaps a G.o.d or a devil had witnessed her tragic fate, but Wanwan gets a brand new chance at life—an external soul takes over her body and gains Wanwan’s memories. 
The resurrected Lin Xiao swears to seek revenge for Wanwan. 
Having witnessed Wanwan’s death and resurrection process, Tang Chen is intrigued by the changes she undergoes. When he tries to cheat Wanwan to gain possession of her, a knight descends from the sky and saves her. He allows her to seek his help thrice. 
Just who is this mysterious knight? 
The revived Wanwan demonstrates her astounding talent and intelligence. Not only does she leave her enemies helpless against her, but she also becomes a celebrity who sweeps through the entertainment industry. Who exactly is she? 
When Wanwan interacts more with the knight, she realizes that he is actually a devil&h.e.l.lip; 
“From this moment forth, every inch of your body is mine. Resistance is futile.” 
He had descended like Satan, wantonly occupying her body and mind&h.e.l.lip; 
It’s fine. Even if he’s the devil, he would still be trampled beneath her feet.

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