










简介 我从洪水中捞上来一幅古画,画中有一位绝世容颜般女子……第二天醒来,古画变成了空白,画中仙一样的女子消失不见,但,从此之后我的影子中多了一个人。原著:上殿(圣诞文学网)












简介存在感稀薄的高中生 织田晶,某日突然和同班同学一起被召唤到异世界。并得到了作弊能力,晶成为了幻想作品的经典角色'暗杀者',到此都还在预想中。问题是暗杀者居然能轻松凌驾于勇者之上——!?










内容简介:  仙路崎岖,百般磨练终成正果  一个没有灵根的少年,一个被认为是废物的家伙,在修真界不断地收购着各种废品……  无论是废丹还是下品材料,来者不拒,有多少要多少!1w0-529


内容简介:鬼节将至,百鬼夜行,令人不安的守尸花现,接二连三有人离奇死去,死状酷似献给百鬼之首的祭品,温文尔雅的县令沈白居然是被选中的祭品之一……空无一人的座位,居然在众目睽睽之下将杯中酒喝个精光 ?走不出去的东园,暗通井下的书房,骤然暴毙的高才榜眼,深受皇恩荣宠的周家光鲜的背后到底藏着何种让人不安的秘密?接替沈白的新县令赴任途中被人残忍砍去双腿,是谁不顾天威挑衅于衙门?寻求真相的沈白几人被引向了那个无人知晓的长寿古村。是谁伸出的罪恶之手上遍染无数无辜者的鲜血,而隐于背后操纵一切的那个人目的何在?ahreftargetblank皇a上无故病重,揭下皇榜的神秘国师因此一夜崛起,深受皇帝宠信多年的鬼面法师与新崛起的神秘国师秘密斗法,掀起朝廷上的血雨腥风。朝廷重臣相继失踪,被剔肉刻骨而死的亡灵居然重现人间,牵出尘封多年的旧事和冤屈……《变脸师爷·终篇》,聪慧少年师爷,让一切阴谋大白于天下!棠岚鼎力大作,必看言情小说。1w0-80431 >>


内容简介:  这是一个属于穿越者的聊天群,汇聚了来自诸天万界的穿越者。  从小小的群成员做起,一步步成长到群主大佬!1w0-166


内容简介: 一个女人莫名其妙要我负责,不答应都不行。 1w0-1339




内容简介:  小小少年柳清欢,于凡尘战乱中走出,又走进了波澜壮阔的修仙者战争。是超然世外,还是扛起责任?是不忘初心,还是太上忘情?以万丈红尘炼心,坐忘长生。1w0-635

Shinobi Life

From Konnichiwa: Many, many years ago, a ninja named Kagetora devoted his life to protecting Princess Beni (”Beni-Hime”). Unfortunately, they were attacked and Kagetora was flung into a lake, and sank to the bottom… And is somehow warped to the future where he sees the princess Beni being kidnapped. Little does Kagetora know that Beni is not the real princess, but rather her descendant. Beni, on the other hand, thought that Kagetora was just a cosplayer. Beni, the daughter of a rich man has already been kidnapped a hundred times already... But fear not because Kagetora is here. Will Kagetora be able to go back to the past, or will he remain by Beni’s side forever?

Hon No Tomodachi

Hon no Tomodachi summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hon no Tomodachi. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Akihabara @ Deep

It all begins when a mysterious online personality named Yui decides to assemble these outcasts to try and form a group dedicated to solving the problems that plague Akiba by forming the 'troubleshooting' company, [email protected], often shortened to just @DEEP. One example of this troubleshooting would be that the otaku of Akiba have come under a surge of bullying. @DEEP's first task was to eliminate this bullying. After getting rid of this problem, @DEEP began taking up other tasks as well. Some of these include clearing the name of a cosplayer in a case that involved the distribution of underground videos depicting other cosplayers getting undressed in dressing rooms, protecting a news anchor from attacks by otaku who were enraged at a story that she had previously worked on that bashed the youth of Akiba, and helping out a maid cafe that the people of Akiba frequent from an opposing maid cafe that was acting extremely hostile to this maid cafe and even provided various prostitution services to the visitors of the opposing maid cafe. While @DEEP solves these cases, the group unintentionally attracts the attention of a seedy character named Nakagomi Takeshi. The reason behind this is because of a secret past relationship between Nakagomi and Yui. What adds to this is a fully self-reliant AI program that Nakagomi would greatly benefit from if he got his hands on it. This is because he is the president of a very influential electronics company called Digital Capital, often shortened to DigiCap. He will eventually raid @DEEP's headquarters, steal Yui's AI, and kidnap Akira. (from wikipedia)

Blue Seed

Fujimiya Momiji is a descendant of the Kushinada clan whose women possess the power to defeat the Aragami, an alien plant-like race, by sacrifice. After centuries of slumber, the Aragami have awakened and are invading Tokyo en route to conquering the world. In their way are the hapless schoolgirl Momiji, who becomes infected with one of the 'Blue Seeds' - magatama beads that are the heart and soul of the Aragami - the TAC, a government agency whose sole mission is to stop the Aragami, and Kusanagi Mamoru, a young man infused with Aragami blood who swears vengeance on those who took his family away from him. Like the heroes of the past, this ragtag band of misfits must work together to defeat an ancient menace from the past, and one far closer to home. taken from anidb

Part-Time Taoist Priest

Part-Time Taoist Priest summary: Part-Time Taoist Priest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Part-Time Taoist Priest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Great Fortunes from Railroads

Great Fortunes from Railroads summary: Great Fortunes from Railroads summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Great Fortunes from Railroads. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Rogue's Power

A Rogue's Power summary: A Rogue's Power summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Rogue's Power. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Grave

The Grave summary: The Grave summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Grave. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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