


类别动作 恋爱 古风


















简介我身边,有两位女人。女友茉莉聪明贤惠,陪我度过最艰难的岁月,但她平凡的相貌对我毫无吸引力。女明星沉药是天生尤物,我镜头下最美的缪斯,但她头脑空洞且庸俗,令我心烦。当机会摆在我面前时,我选择交换她们的大脑。这样我就能得到“完美爱情”吗? #@暗黑兔文化 出品都市情感悬疑漫画,撕破渣男假面!每周五周日更新,请大家加【关注】并【评论】支持我们哦!!!#






简介小三,在这个物欲横流的社会中游走于道德边缘的产物,纯粹的利益交换,还是也有真爱藏于其中?小三劝退师,一个神秘的职业,虽占据道德高地,却也是为钱卖命。让我们跟随主角欧阳晴,开启一段智斗小三之旅,揭开那些简单故事背后暗藏的惊天阴谋。 漫城动漫出品,每周二、周五更新 读者群 602092213






内容简介:简介:重生前虞璨就是个真情实感的追星脑残粉——重生后虞璨也同样zqsg地奔向还未出道的爱豆身边,怀抱着‘哥哥值得最好的我要把未来所有大红的好资源都给哥哥陪哥哥走花路’美好想法。在她的不 懈努力之下,爱豆有了比前世更高的起点,也更早地红了起来。然后……她捧在手心上的爱豆被更厉害的金牌经纪人撬走了。虞璨:我有句mmp不知当讲不当讲。被前爱豆和现实双重打脸脱粉后,虞璨终于清醒决定奋发向上,吸取惨痛教训,追星不1w0-125571 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者青草糕的经典小说:《帝台艳宦》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说☆日双更☆世人皆知,东厂督主戚卓容,挟天子以令诸侯,阴狠悍戾,猖狂无度,乃是本 朝一大奸佞。一夕事发,一纸檄文昭告天下,堂堂督主竟是女扮男装,满朝哗然。是夜,大雨滂沱,昔日只手遮天的东厂督主一身白衣跪于大殿中央,鬓发散乱,艳色惊人。帝座之上的青年眉眼冷肃,杀意凛冽。众人都以为他绝不会放过这架空了帝权的狂悖小人,却见他从御阶之上一步步走下,解开随身的大氅,俯身为那脊骨笔直的女子系上。年轻的天子眼风冷冷1w0-75627 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:抗战:开局一支加强连】穿越军阀混战的时期。木元成为了一个家族少爷以及获得一个系统。开局系统便送给了他一个全能人才。何为全能人才,这个世界最顶级的科技,技能,知 识,他全都精通。系统的辅佐,杀敌,爆装备,爆人才。装备不够用,他会造,没有机床,他会造,这个世界已存在的科技技能,管理事物,没有一样,他不会做的。木元:“那我做什么?躺着就赢了?”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢抗战:开局一支加强连,别忘记分享给朋友作者:天狗食月所写的《抗战:开局一支加强连》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-104059 >>




内容简介:“欢迎来到轮回乐园77777号契约者”一声毫无感情的电子音在一位长相儒雅的男子脑中响起。“这里真的有让人起死回生的力量吗?”电子音再次响起“警告,察觉到未知力量侵袭,判定中……”“此为 世界树管辖组织的交接申请……”“正在由世界树审核,审核中……”“审核通过”此时男子脑海里响起一个陌生而苍老的声音“我这里有让死人复生的方法,但只有方法,没人1w0-26065 >>

Koi Wa Keiyaku No Atode

Consists of a collection of oneshots. 1) Love After Contract I (Koi wa Keiyaku no Atode) Kazuto wakes up with a hangover and finds himself lying in bed with a stranger. The stranger, Takasugi, is a young CEO and he announces to him that he bought Kazuto in exchange for one million yen for a month before his arranged marriage. 2) Love After Contract II Kazuto continues the contract with Akihiko... Nothing has happened after the last time when they are in the bed together... Kazuto is actually expecting something more than just a dating...but it seems no responds from Akihiko besides kissing... What should Kazuto do...? 3) Kiss Prescription I Mutsuki Yuasa, a very dependable & diligent student council vice-president has loved Gaku Tougou, his very soppy friend, since they were childhood neighbours. But now Gaku is taller than him, very popular among girls and bosses about Mutsuki. 4) Kiss Prescription II Mutsuki & Gaku's relationship is getting closer but not yet stable... as the 3rd party is taking actions to snatch Mutsuki from Gaku... What will Gaku do? 5) Too Close For Love (Koi wo Suru) Fumiya, a crybaby, lost his parents when he was a child. He was taken in by his relatives who had a son of the same age, Eiji. Fumiya complains about Eiji's treating him as an infant.

Kamisama Gokko

A girl watches over the town she lives in, believing the world is going to end. Soon she is joined by a boy who has no place to go, and they watch over the “last days” of the world together.

Badminton Girl

summary by Divine Sanctuary Asahi is a 7th grade student who's very bad at sports. She joined the volleyball club when she entered junior high school, only to quit it one month later because she couldn't keep up with practice. Feeling discouraged from all kinds of sports, Asahi was reluctent to join the badminton club, will she just be the laughing stock of the class again, or will she find some new hidden talent? Read on to find out!

Kimi To Iru Asu

1) Your Feelings Takamichi and Atsuki have always been together since childhood. Everything feels like it will never change, including their relationship, but is that really true? With Takamichi going away for his archery training, this will be the first separation of theirs. Even thinking about it is making Atsuki uneasy... 2) Deviation Value Sweet Haruto is always coming in second to Itou. His father's disappointed in him and he just can't seem to do anything about it. Until one day he walks in on Itou masturbating in an empty classroom. What happens now? 3) Tomorrow, That is With You Story of Inori and Senou's relationship, which begins in Kimi no Ai wa Mienikui. Inori takes a trip with Senou to his birthplace in Kyoto. 4) The Wolf's Bed Serihashi joined the arts club to be able to sleep. Mahiro joined the club and found himself to be a constant victim of Serihashi's teasing. Mahiro walks in to the club to see things he wasn't ready to see. Will he stay in the club? Does Serihashi really only want to sleep? 5) We'll Always Be Together Yuuto and Keisuke have been friends since childhood. Wherever they go, they always hold hands. Keisuke starts to question their relationship and relinquishes Yuuto's hand. Will the quiet Yuuto be able to finally express his feelings. 6) Omake Time It's been a year since Senou proposed to Inori, and Inori just found out that drinking turns Senou into another man. Will they still get married? 7) Omake of Omake More short stories on Inori and Senou!

Debts of Honor

Debts of Honor summary: Debts of Honor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Debts of Honor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Aloof Prince Pampers His Wild First Rate Consort

The Aloof Prince Pampers His Wild First Rate Consort summary: The Aloof Prince Pampers His Wild First Rate Consort summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Aloof Prince Pampers His Wild First Rate Consort. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Dog Crusoe and his Master

The Dog Crusoe and his Master summary: The Dog Crusoe and his Master summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dog Crusoe and his Master. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Agatha Raisin and The Potted Gardener

Agatha Raisin and The Potted Gardener summary: Agatha Raisin and The Potted Gardener summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Agatha Raisin and The Potted Gardener. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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