









简介惊世盗神一朝穿越,将门府邸深深,庶姐姨娘陷害,且看素手一扬扭转乾坤!半路遇上邪佞护食王爷保驾护航,一路脚踩渣男渣女,在乱世中混的风生水起。“王爷大人桃花朵朵,小的不介意替主子分享几朵。”她身着男装,一脸痞样笑的幸灾乐祸。“哦?本王以为你早就知道本王的厉害了。”王爷大人不动声色来到她身边,大手一揽将她圈在怀中,不顾众人惊诧目光笑的一脸邪佞。 好吧,在与无耻王爷比无耻这方面,她承认是她输了。


类别历史 热血 动作

(C103) 某日放课后







简介所谓的“强大”是怎么回事呢?我也想变强大!老是打不赢别人、被人欺负的高中生幕之内一步,跟拳手鹰村相遇后,体内潜伏的黄色炸药神拳终于被唤醒!幕之内一步懹抱着职业拳手的美梦,准备要向鸭川拳馆的入门测试挑战了! 之内一步与首位强敌宫田一郎再度决战的铃响起了!面对着宫田漂亮的步法,一步向胜利挑战!现在在要测试一下会长不眠不休、付出血汗调教的特训成果!连续猛击打倒宫中,摧毁那必杀的长拳攻击绝招! 终于,初次登场赛的日子来临,应战的敌手是小田裕介–擅打右钩拳的拳手,一步之周围的好友都认为他一定会胜利!但是到了擂台上,小田却有如脱胎换骨一般!超级激烈战斗开始!一步能在初次登场赛中赢得胜利吗














内容简介:本文停更,后来的小可爱慎入缘由在最新章节给大家添麻烦了。鞠躬甜系乐坛小天后x点石成金风投新贵风投新贵陈睿泽空降南城即大动作不断,霎时引起一阵风波。再加之传言他生得清隽矜贵,性子疏淡。引 1w0-74732 >>






内容简介:手机阅读《弃妃倾世》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读谁说穿越后宫就是圣宠不衰、六宫无妃的幸福生涯?她保证不打死他!“过来,朕不打你。”“放屁!”“渺渺,过来朕抱。”“谁信!”“苏渺,再不过来打 断你的狗腿!”“皇上~~~”苏渺一睁眼就是冷宫的四堵灰墙,简直凄凄惨惨戚戚!为了保住她的腿,只好狗腿的腻在皇帝陛下身边,惹得众人纷纷嫉恨白眼,直骂妖妃。可惜皇帝陛下不知怎的就宠上了这个冷宫弃妃,明明一开始恨不得将她千刀万剐,如今却大有昏聩独宠的意思。前朝后宫无不盼着她失宠的那一天,可是等着等着……她似乎就此长盛不衰了!等他们反应过来,哪儿还有什么后宫啊?六宫粉黛,就剩她一人了!【1v1,身心干净】1w0-28248 >>


内容简介:今天是我十八年来运气最差的一天!都可以登上“霉女排行榜了”!!除了被老爹老母强制转学外,初恋男友居然还搞劈腿,这也就算了!没想到,高唱个“失恋万岁!”也会得罪人……还是一个脾气火爆、态 度嚣张、行为恶劣,还有些自私、霸道的冰山男……1w0-27597 >>


As if having giant monsters and robots threatening to destroy it wasn't bad enough, Japan now faces another crisis: demons. Kijimutan tells the story of Yuna, a young samurai woman seeking to feed her own ambitions as well as to fulfill her own sense of self. As Yuna and her faithful friend, Musashi, go on their journey, they come face to face with the Shouki, the evil spirits seeking to destroy the very hearts of the people. Faced with the possibility that there might be an enemy within every person they encounter, the two warriors will have to struggle in order to succeed. The Shouki may be a great threat, but the greatest peril to their quest might lie within the heart of Yuna herself�

Wild Half

From Manga-Koekje: This is a shounen manga about a senior named Taketo Iwase and a dog named Salsa. As they set off early on to resolve a problem with a criminal that Toshifumi (Taketo's brother) is having, Taketo sees that there is more to the dog (that can communicate in the human language) than meets the eye. Together they solve a number of troubles and also meet other different species (cat girls, dogs, birds, etc). The author clearly shows that she is capable of drawing dynamic illustrations, especially in the fighting scenes although it make look somewhat shoujo at times. Wild Half has some very funny gag lines, some moving plots, helpful morals, in short, a little bit of everything packaged into one. (Shortened review written by Si)

Crime Zone

The people of Earth live in a society where vampires aren’t just real but dangerous. Although humanity has been able to keep them under control and even take the night away as the vampire’s natural habitat, some of them have adapted. Hesperides, a relatively new breed of vampires, have adapted over hundreds of years in order to be able to go outside during dusk when the sunlight is at its weakest and feast on humans. Aburaya Shiro, a high school kid, lives in a town where there has not been a vampire attack in years, but adults keep warning them of going outside at dusk. Shiro and his classmates take this warning lightly and head out at dusk only to find out one of their classmates who they thought they knew well turnz out to be a Hesperides. With all his classmates violently murdered, the only way Shiro was able to survive was with the help of a different classmate, Ichijoji Eruka, who doesn’t seem to be human herself.


It's a comedy (though at times serious), who's main character is a cute stray Shiba puppy. -Mangaupdates

Memoir of Rev. Joseph Badger

Memoir of Rev. Joseph Badger summary: Memoir of Rev. Joseph Badger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Memoir of Rev. Joseph Badger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Thieving Fear

Thieving Fear summary: Thieving Fear summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Thieving Fear. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign

The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign summary: The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Nightingale Girls

The Nightingale Girls summary: The Nightingale Girls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Nightingale Girls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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