
































内容简介:温馨提示:亲们,最近现实里有些事情要处理,新文要延迟一段时间开,谢谢大家支持,我会尽快开文的么么哒。好文推荐:基友的小说,重生六零年代之村霸媳妇。喜欢看年代文的亲支持一下啊。阅读提示: 女主又宅又懒,难听点就是好吃懒做……女主妈极品婆婆。女主哥扶妹狂魔……女主嫂子暗搓搓斗婆婆,挽救脑残丈夫……一家子不正常集合。系统为升级流,前期普通,后期逆天。热心提示:如有不适,请点右上角的x。然后寻找您喜欢的作品,祝您阅读愉快!简介:又宅又懒的苏青禾,一朝重生,成为六零年代农村姑娘。为了活下去,苏青禾只能不断的完成任务,成为一个合格的小军嫂。叮……做饭任务完成,获得厨艺1点。奖励五花肉一斤。叮……缝补任务完成,获得缝纫技艺1点,奖励棉布一尺。叮……苏青禾人生格言,只有想不到,没有做不到!防盗提示亲们,介于之前所有的书没设置防盗章节,被人秒盗,痛定思痛,这本书决定设置防盗措施。对于购买章节满了50%的亲是没有任何影响的,未满50%的亲,要等到24小时之后才能看了。么么哒,请体谅一下被秒盗的心情,大家一起抵制盗版吧。(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~1w0-4550 >>


内容简介:当唐僧师徒四人在灵山受封的时候,灵山脚下,一个看起来像是乞丐的男子眼中流露出不屑之色,他恨恨的低声说道:“如来,俺老孙,会回来的。”n不一样的西游,齐天大圣的复仇之旅。1w0-1287 38 >>


内容简介:预收【穿书后渣男们对我爱之入骨】求收藏。本文文案:林白白意外穿成了霸总小说的绿茶女二,为了回家,她按照剧情十分敬业,毫不留情的渣了男主秦岁。她本以为可以安心退休没想到所有人被她渣过的人 ,带着上辈子的记忆重生了唯一值得庆幸的是,最恨她的男主没有重生。可是就在某一天,男主秦岁温柔的抚摸着她的头发:“我们白白,这次可一定要听话了。”原来,被她渣了的男主也是重生的!只是一直披着皮骗着她。1w0-111710 >>


内容简介:老马的幸福人生小说儿媳叫苏玥公公叫马强的小说作者是夫子,这是近期非常受欢迎的一本都市小说,全文讲述的是苏玥是一个已婚少妇,可是丈夫的常年不在家以及生活工作的各种不如意早已将她击垮,在她 最不开心的时候,是公公马强陪在她的身边,为她缓解悲伤的情绪。马强见苏玥一副居家女人的模样,回答说:这两天我跟你联系不上,以为你生病了,就跑过来看看。没……没什么,只是觉得心烦,一直在家休息……苏玥急忙敷衍道。你没有去上班吗马强诧异地问。我……我觉得工作压力大,就辞职了……苏玥不想让公公知道自己在外面1w5932-29683 >>


内容简介:“请各位注意,模拟人生传送装置即将开启。”“本次模拟机会共计3次,无论结果与否,请大家坦然对待。”“诸天万界,亿万人生,酸甜苦辣,人间一瞬,预祝各位好运。”顾顺穿越到了一个依靠模拟人生 获取资源,才能存活立足的世界。获得可继承天赋:爽文人生(无级别),你将在每次模拟时获得一项主角特质,开启非凡的爽文人生。从此,顾顺开启了他的爽文人生:他是都市世界的投资天才与体育冠军。他是仙侠世界的至尊天帝与大道1w0-89186 >>


内容简介:一刀斩破生死路,寒刃屠尽负心人!……我不要做刀,我要做执刀人。我不要做棋子,我要成为弈棋者。一个平凡人。却偏要在这世界上活出自己。未知前路渺茫,不知前途何在;只是一步步走去,不知不觉, 已是一路风云,别有天地。荆棘路,红尘遥;巧腾挪,步凌霄;平沧海,翻江湖;清碧落,掌天刀。1w86654-108498 >>

The Bullet Saint

From Manga Updates 1943 Manju. Kim Ui-ryong, known as the perfect marksman was given a secret order from the superiors of the independence army. Armed with explosives around his body, he infiltrated a secret Japanese government operation and witnessed a ceremony upholding an old bronze sword. Just as his mission required, he destroyed the bronze sword and died. Korea, 60 years later. Culture Professor Bae Reta, a 2nd generation Korean-American was asked to participate in a secret auction where she witnessed a gun. From a glance, it looked like just any old gun used in Manju independence movement. However, ones after the gun appears at the scene and quickly turns it into a bloodbath. And Prof. Bae, left alone with the gun witnesses everything... - Translations by Grumpy from The Company

Akuma Na Cupid

Oneshot from Hatsujou Junjou Douwa Ashiwara Iroha has a crush on Suzuki-san. In order to make him like her, she climbs up a tree to try to touch the 'legendary mark' at their school. He is supposed to fall in love with her if she does, but instead of touching the mark she falls from the tree and into Shindou Kaname's arms. He tells her 'leave Suzuki to me' and becomes her devilish cupid...

Wild And Strawberry

'Turn. Turn this way. Focus those eyes on me.' Is what Yuusuke is thinking, and by chance the guy he likes turns around. Then his confession just slips out.

Byousoku Zero Mile

'Wh-Who are you?' One day, the college student Taichi is spoken to by a stranger in a place that is very dear to him. He is informed by the man, who calls himself Zama, that the place may be gone. It is where the orphaned Taichi first met his beloved guardian Kanda. Who is this Zama, who suddenly appears before Taichi? Taichi is anxious...

Magic Gems Gourmet

Magic Gems Gourmet summary: Thanks to the G.o.ddess, he was reincarnated into n.o.bility! That should have been great―― but the skill he got, 【Toxin Decomposition EX】 was simply too plain, and he was made fun of everyday at home……
However, at one time, he noticed he could eat the magic stones of monsters with that skill and absorbs their abilities, furthermore, he was informed he was the prince of the neighboring country!
What awaited him at the royal castle was an environment where he could train and experiment with the abundant amount of magic stones, bringing out his strong potential――and finally, even acquiring the ability of the legendary monster, the Dullahan!
Surrounded by an a.s.sertive fiancée and a clumsy knight girl, the new life for the boy who will become a “King” begins!

Start By Becoming A Mangaka

Start By Becoming A Mangaka summary: Crossing into the anime world and have a rescue system that will pop out a quest suddenly.Can I get items and abilities after completion?Do I have to travel to another world?But before that Yuuki needs to save the world of otaku? Even though he is a Yakuza?Everything start from here.(This synopsis looked like the one from my Hitotose Note).----------------------------------...

Sky World

Sky World summary: Sky World takes place in the eponymous world of the MMORPG, Sky World. One day, thousands of players woke up to find themselves in the world.
Junichiro Mikimori is one of these players who has now come to live in Sky World. The story begins with Junichiro on Altaria Island. There, he encounters an all-female guild and befriends two of its members. Together, they decide to leave Altaria Island and journey to the highest point of the world: Aion Island, in hopes of being able to find a way back to the real world.

Journey Towards Greatness

Journey Towards Greatness summary: A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn 't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience...

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