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简介爱书的下克上 第二部漫画 ,从小就是个超级书痴的女大学生本须丽乃,在地震时被掉落的书所活埋,当她醒来时,发现自己竟转生到了陌生的异世界,变成名为梅茵的5岁小女孩,不但生在贫穷的士兵家,且体弱多病,但最让她难以接受的是,在身边完全找不到书籍以及书店、图书馆,书籍价格高昂只能为贵族所有,于是梅茵下定决心心“既然买不到书,那就自己动手做!”。目标是成为图书管理员,过上被书籍环绕的美好生活












内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:被女帝休了后,从此入魔黑化】穿越到玄幻世界,林枫成为大夏皇朝女帝的夫君。但林枫还没有来得及高兴,却被一道圣旨,给打进了冷宫中,从此不得踏出。而做了这一切的女帝 ,却没有丝毫的情绪波动。甚至,不再提起自己的夫君。一个月后,太虚圣地,女帝的师尊到来。这一天,突然间天崩地裂,异象纷呈,天降血雨,山河倒塌。而造成这一切的,就是在冷宫中的林枫。被人发现时,林枫已经死去。一个月后一个魔主,从陵墓中苏醒了过来。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢被女帝休了后,从此入魔黑化,别忘记分享给朋友作者:闭眼乱来所写的《被女帝休了后,从此入魔黑化》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83516 >>


内容简介:现实中我唯唯诺诺,游戏里我重拳出击!修南突然发现,自家电脑上多了一款名叫《超凡世界》的游戏,每一帧都是完美的艺术品!墨骨红钢、苍白骑士、圣人遗骸……赤火金瞳、死河异神、至高图腾……当神 秘的异世界以数据化形式呈现在电脑上的时候,一切艰难险阻瞬间都豁然开朗了……1w0-59637 >>




内容简介:一林莞十七岁那年,逃学被扔去罚站,脚步声逐渐走近。她抬头,商陆戴着学生会的袖标,面容沉静的走到她面前。“认错了吗?”“不认。”她冷笑一声。不过就是个来找茬的书呆子,真以为她会服软?二商 陆十七岁那年,是人人口中的尖子生,但只有他自己知道,他不是好学生。无人知道。每当那个少女对着他笑、叫他名字、在他旁边戏谑时,他会有股本书关键词:幻想奇缘强强情有独钟破镜重圆爽文《强势臣服》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、午夜女主播、锦衣娘子、秋以为期、糊你一脸白月光快穿、跨物种相亲、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、校花之贴身高手、小娇妻,你被捕了!、我!无双战将、那个被我活埋的人、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、真千金不干啦、无限之剧本杀、三界狂徒、娇生惯宠、跑男之最强高富帅、蝉动、Moba:刷到满级就上场1w0-82115 >>


内容简介:女强AA重生AA宠文AA宅斗一对一,女强男更强,强强联手!将门嫡女,一朝封后,世人皆羡。殊不知最温柔的幸福酿成最残酷的悲剧。平日对她百般疼爱的父亲对她的求救视而不见!!山盟海誓的夫君狠 心杀了她腹中的孩子!!她一心守护的庶妹娇笑着夺走她的夫君,逼得她寻死!!她,洛倾凰,以血起誓,若有来世,她定要他们求生不能,求死不得!!!将他们付诸给她的,百倍偿还!!!父亲装痴情?!那就揭开他的面具,叫他身败名裂!庶姐装高贵?!那就揭穿她的身份,叫她无地自容!夫君装深情?!那就戳穿他的把戏,叫他猝不及防!庶妹装柔弱?!那就撕开她的伪装,叫她遗臭万年!片段(一)庶妹指着不幸“毁容”的某女,娇笑着问道,“七殿下觉得,我和姐姐哪个漂亮?”某男眉毛一挑,不置可否。庶妹遂作可怜状,继续问道,“七殿下为何不答?”某男摸了摸下巴,露出颠倒众生的笑颜,勾唇道,“本殿只是觉得不在一个层次的人,没法相比罢了。”庶妹眸中闪过得意笑容,却故作温柔,“殿下如此说,姐姐肯定会伤心的。”某男桃花眼中眼波流转,慵懒应道,“本殿也不愿如此伤人。可是你,实在不配与我的凰儿相提并论!”庶妹脸色大变,羞怒交加。某女唇角漾开一抹浅笑。洛倾城,你当真以为每个男人都如此肤浅?!各位书友要是觉得《重生之嫡女狂后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83692 >>


内容简介:  这是一本,主角从诛仙开始带着气运面板穿越,寻求变强的小说,一头水麒麟在诸天现身的故事。书友群:971740231(QQ群哦)1w0-3432

Bijo To Chinjuu

PWP. It's about these two veterinarians who love animals... really love animals. Basic jealousy/kiss-and-make-up/happy fluffiness kind of story ^^; BARELY any angst. It's kinda funny to see one of the characters become jealous because his partner is affectionate toward the animals. This story's like a quick detour from Deep Flower huh? There's three chapters to this story and half the time is talking about when they were in school and how they met, the other half is their present-day-time working in the clinic. =P Enjoy! [Taken from YMT]

Tenshi No Hitsugi

This story set in Europe 1889, is about a young girl named Marie Alexandrin who is a normal, innocent blond with an immense crush on the good looking Crown Prince Rudolf. On a trip to the library with her mother, she manages to accidentally liberate a handsome young magenta haired demon by the name of Set from an old book in which he had been sealed, and as a thank you he decides to do something for her - whatever she wishes.... Extra Stroy: One Snowy Night


Sihu Choi, a 2nd year high school student, is famous in his school for 2 things: reading the morning announcements and turning down confessions indifferently. Aeun Son, also a 2nd year, loves nothing more than to listen to Sihu's soothing voice every morning, often arriving to class late in order to hear the morning announcements in a quiet corridor. As the new school year begins and Aeun's obsession flares once more, she makes a promise to herself that she'll become Sihu's friend at the very least. With the help of her older sister, and the fact that they've been put into the same class, can Aeun succeed where every other girl before her has failed? original webcomic

Dantalian No Shoka

The young man Huey took over the old mansion of his deceased bibliomanic grand father as well as the book collection that's stored in there. But there was a condition: he also had to inherit the 'Bibliotheca'. When he inspects the mansion, Huey discovers a cellar filled with piled up books. In the midst of them he comes across a black-dressed girl who's silently reading a book. She's called Dalian and has a big lock hanging in front of her. She herself is the entrance to the 'Bibliotheca of Dantalian' which contains the prohibited 'Phantom Books'.

A Poached Peerage

A Poached Peerage summary: A Poached Peerage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Poached Peerage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After)

Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After) summary: Tang Xin Lian had never met a good man in her life. In order to stay away from rotten peach blossom flowers (bad relationships) and to take care of her son so that they’ll have a peaceful life, she indulged in the notion of employing a fake husband!
Even if she considered all men unreliable, the candidate she chose was gay, so it should’ve been safe right?
Little did she know – –
First of all, who said that a man who drank at a gay bar would have to like men?
Secondly, regarding her “new roommate” Zhong Zhen Dong’s outward appearance, which was cultured and refined, he was also modest and courteous. However in actuality, this man was without a doubt very cunning. If you easily believed him, you wouldn’t even know how you died one day!
The naïve, innocent, little white rabbit wasn’t aware of it. She was just happy the flies around her were finally driven away.
That was until the big wolf entered her inner chambers and proceeded to go to the next level. He tried to control her desire, her body, and her heart. Even her son who always stuck to her, traitorously shouted ‘father’ with genuine admiration.
She then realized Mr. Nice Guy actually originally harbored evil intentions towards her. It was simply a pig disguising itself to eat a tiger!
Being tied to this handsome man was definitely a calamity, not a blessing. Right now, it wasn’t considered too late. She could still escape without a trace with her son. She’d erase the past 100 days, and exchange it for a happy, stable life…


Probabilities summary: Probabilities summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Probabilities. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Silver Springs Cozy: Pawsitively Lethal

Silver Springs Cozy: Pawsitively Lethal summary: Silver Springs Cozy: Pawsitively Lethal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Silver Springs Cozy: Pawsitively Lethal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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