
































内容简介:  我,王腾,有无上之姿!进化系统加身,王腾横行万界,在诸天留下自己的足迹,金色古战车轰鸣之下众仙俯首,四象真灵镇压寰宇。前两个世界为原创世界,遮天世界在第九十九章(略长)1w0-20 98 >>


内容简介:赵国良重生到《禽满四合院》的世界,本以为跟秦淮茹成一对,会过得生活美满幸福,日子美滋滋。却没想到秦淮茹竟然被贾家截胡了,并成为了赵国良的死敌。面对真全院禽兽的生活状况,得到了神级木匠系 统的他一点也不慌。老辈人都说,招惹谁都好,千万别惹木匠!于是乎,贾家倒霉了,日子惨兮兮。四合院的禽兽们一个个被驯得没了脾气。秦淮茹也只能看着帅气多金的赵国良痛哭:“当初退婚爽,今日悔断肠!”而赵国良从四合院开始,紧跟时代风口,乘风而起,一步步走上巅峰!1w0-83769 >>


内容简介:我名叫洛雨泽,下凡之后化名晓霞,变成女生之后又叫凌一微,记忆的消退,身份的错乱,加上人间性格的扭曲,我想说我只想好好的回去当剑仙。想让我喜欢上男人?他有什么资格?除了帅,他也没其他优点 ,也许我就这么认为了,我只是认为而已。1w0-82210 >>




内容简介:从前有个小破宗门,一个师父俩徒弟,个个废柴且弱鸡,师徒三人目标一致,混吃等死顺便幻想师门发展壮大,直到——这一年招到了几个不太一般的新成员。比如某某宗门离家出走的高冷少主,比如练功不小 心走火入魔返老还童的某女魔修。事情开始变得有点神奇,中二的大师兄忽然奇遇不断,废柴师父为了护住几个崽子不得不脱掉捂了几百年的小马甲……身为穿越人士的耻辱,燕沁瑟瑟发抖地抱住自己又黑又丑资质还奇差的小徒弟,总觉1w0-30763 >>


内容简介:罢黜百家,独尊儒术!这是一个读书人的世界!这是一个思想是至高力量的儒道世界!在这里,诗词可以显像,字画能够化真!诸圣以圣力构筑万里长城,抵挡妖兽和蛮夷狄戎的进攻,换来人族的休养生息!苏 林穿越到了这么一个儒道世界,以圣言开智,无字天书承载华夏文人的诗词文赋,上能庙堂之争,除佞臣,破奸相。下可守卫人族,杀妖兽,除蛮夷。画地为牢,指鹿为马,撒豆成兵,画龙点睛!思想之所至,便无所不能!《儒术》铁杆群:3182275861w0-3559 >>

Boku No Idol

This year, the student council has decided to add an exciting new contribution to the school's culture festival; an Idol performance! However, they don't actually have the money to hire any real Idols, so someone's going to have to train up an idol group from their female classmates. Hirano Harufumi is that unlucky someone. He has no interest in Idols at all, but he must put together a performance or risk expulsion from the school for his failure.Not surprisingly, most high school girls are too embarrassed and self-conscious to dance and sing in front of their classmates in a skimpy outfit. When Harufumi tries to think about who he would like to see as an Idol, his thoughts are drawn to his cute, shy, clumsy childhood friend Aizawa Momoka. Will Harufumi be able to convince her to be an Idol before it's too late?Sequel:> Atashi no Idol ( http://mangapark.com/search?q=atashi-no-idol )

Friends Like A Lover

Chapters 1-4: Childhood friends Yukie and Kogawa are both in love with their other friend, Yamato.They relieve their unfulfilled sexual desire for Yamato by jerking each other off, but lately it seems they're progressing to something more serious... what will happen when Yamato finds out? Later on, a new guy enters the scene and he's also interested in one of the 3 friends. Will he be able to win his heart? chapters 5: Kichii, Akira and Akira's older brother are models for Boyfriend Grand Prix magazine. Kichii made an unfortunate bet with Akira- if Kichii can outrank Akira's brother in the magazine boyfriend ranking, Akira will be his slave. Until then Kichii will be Akira's slave. Who will win? And why is Akira so determined to see his big brother beaten? Chapter 6: Tamura Chisato sleeps with just about anyone if they say they like him. Even though Masashi is straight, he finds himself irritated with the way Tamura acts and tries to change his ways.

American Ghost Jack

Young Ma Go-eun and her father are about to be evicted from the haunted house they've run throughout the years. But Go-eun is not about to let the park owner demolish their haunted house and her memories of her childhood and her mother. She resolves to go to the United States to surpass trials and get a million dollar cash prize awarded to those who can survive a stay in Ghost Jack's House.

Fujunna Renai

This story take place in a small village. Highschool student Inami Kazunori accidentally found out the secret of the newcomer, Udagawa Akihiro. In return for keeping quiet, Inami asked Udagawa to become close to the girl, Yoshimura, who Inami's best friend, Maruyama, likes. However, Inami ended up feeling bad about it and Udagawa revealed his secret to the class himself?!

A Portrait of Old George Town

A Portrait of Old George Town summary: A Portrait of Old George Town summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Portrait of Old George Town. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lady Larkspur

Lady Larkspur summary: Lady Larkspur summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Larkspur. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859

Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859 summary: Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Leopard - Wild Rain

Leopard - Wild Rain summary: Leopard - Wild Rain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Leopard - Wild Rain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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