


类别古风 大女主











The New Gate

简介thenewgate漫画 ,在几万人被卷入的在线死亡游戏游戏“THE NEW GATE”(这......),最老玩家·辛格的活跃,终于解放的时候,迎接。但是,在最后的BOSS打倒后想要逃离的瞬间,突然未知的光芒照射,被传送到游戏中 500年后的世界!最强的玩家的新的无双战斗传说开幕!


















内容简介:【日更,早9点更新】南烟穿成虐文女主,剧情开篇被逼嫁阴郁残疾大佬。大佬的婚前合约条理清晰协议结婚,为期两年。婚内高定衣服鞋子包包通通为她承包,婚后分得现金几个亿,豪华房产若干,外加大佬 公司的1股权。而1w0-74412 >>


内容简介:  直径十公里的陨石撞击蓝星,人类的绝命拦截能否拯救自己的命运?  撞击所掀起的尘埃遮蔽了天空,令世界陷入了将持续上百年暗无天日的极寒长夜。  不见天日的地表因为缺少了阳光的照耀而陷入 了零下几十度的极寒。  在这样的末日之下,只有一个自己挖的避难所与捡到的升级系统,陈新该如何渡过末日的危机,让自己活下来?  人类文明是否能够延续,希望的火种能否照亮这个寒夜为人类带去温暖?  命运已经给出了考题,人类是否能够交出和当年被灭绝的恐龙不一样的答卷?  本书背景设定有参考幽灵校长的千本科幻第58、59期内容,特此声明。  书友群6714881551w0-1771 >>


内容简介:《在遮天寻找完美》“谁人可度,谁人当度,化生诸天,劫劫长存。”那是古史长河,那是一幕又一幕可怖而绝世的场景出现——尸山血海、万灵伏尸、大界崩塌……灵见二世为人,由玄鸟衔来天命,在波澜壮 阔的遮天世界里,寻找着属于他的完美。1w0-80053 >>


内容简介:天资聪颖却大器晚成的苏啸啸,前半生大起大落,饱经人情冷暖。好不容易熬到即将上市,却阴差阳错重回2001年。那年,他大学刚毕业,女友刚分手。进入社会后,一路摸爬滚打,待到成为精英之日,已 人到中年,错过了青春年华,更没有合适的两情相悦。这一世重新来过,誓要做人生赢家,不负如来不负卿。各位书友要是觉得《重生之呼啸而来》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81109 >>






A self-proclaimed angel decides to intervene with a boy's love life, starting with a timer on a boy's arm, which will count down every time the boy's heart beats from interacting with his crush starting from 10. At 0, the boy will confess everything he is thinking at that moment. But it only starts there! The 'angel' has powers based on the number 10, and grant the boy the ability to stop time, make someone fall in love with him, learn who others like, and more. With comedy, romance, and drama, this is not a typical shounen series and should not be passed up.

Steady Study (Tamura Kotoyu)

From Chibi Manga: Love at first sight means bad luck for her so Koyori can't find real love. The same thing can't happen again!!...she decided but just when she did so, she meets Mine during summer classs and falls in love at first sight again!? But Mine is different from the guys up until now, he's pure and straight forward and Koyori's heart can't stop loving him!?

Kyokutou No Hanamuko

1-2)The Far Eastern Bridegroom Prince Asura bought Kichiya from the prostitution house after seeing his bromide. Even though they have a language barrier, Kichiya is getting attracted by Asura’s warmth and love. Is Asura taking Kichiya as a plaything or truly in love with him? From Attractive Fascinante. 3) The Flower of War Leon and Julius were childhood friends who were separated, but meet again in the midst of their country's civil war. Unfortunately Julius is a prisoner and Leon is a high ranking official and all that stands between Julius and a brutal interrogation. 4) The Moral Code of Love Masamune is the young master of the Tongou clan and has had his eye on the stoic faced Jin since childhood. After becoming strong, he is finally able to keep Jin by his side as a bodyguard, but getting Jin interested in anything other than work may be impossible... 5) My Hero High-school student Shuuhei is always bullied. During an attempted rape one night he's rescued by the strong but bad-tempered Asami. Asami reluctantly agrees to help Shuuhei become stronger and more confident, but what does Shuuhei know about the man he's suddenly relying so much on? 6) Cosplay Game Dating for four years, but only having sex for two weeks, Mokoto's lover Keiji starts asking about cosplay. Is Keiji already bored with Makoto? And how far will Makoto go to keep his lover happy? A super cute story.

Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuuutsu

On the first day of high school, Haruhi Suzumiya make an announcement that stunned everyone: 'I don't have any interest in ordinary people. If anyone here is an alien, time traveler, slider, or esper, please, come see me! That is all.' Kyon, a totally normal human who happens to have the misfortune of sitting at the desk in front of Haruhi's, wondered at first if she was joking. But Haruhi Suzumiya is always serious. Always. In any case, Kyon certainly never intended to get involved in her antics. But when a casual conversation accidentally gives Haruhi the idea to form a club dedicated to the discovery and investigation mysterious phenomena, Kyon finds himself already in over is head, especially when Haruhi makes him her first recruit. Other members of the club include Nagato Yuki, a quiet, bookish girl; Mikuru Asahina, an all-too adorable girl chosen by Haruhi to be the club's 'mascot'; and Koizumi Itsuki, an always-smiling boy chosen by Haruhi to play the role of 'mysterious transfer student'. And so the SOS Brigade is born! Things only become weirder and more difficult for Kyon, however, when he finds out the Haruhi has unknowingly surrounded herself with the very people she has been wishing all this time to discover: Nagato Yuki's actually an alien, Asahina Mikuru's a time traveler, and Koizumi Itsuki's an esper! And why have all of these people appeared in the first place? Why, for Haruhi, of course! Three years ago, Haruhi caused some sort of disturbance that each one of them finds worth investigating. And Kyon, for whatever reason, seems to be the only 'normal' one in the whole group. His biggest question: why him?

Mahnu, Her Journey

Mahnu, Her Journey summary: Even though the G.o.d, Mahnu, helped end the war between G.o.d 's and humans, the land of Kralaide still has shadows. Trouble starts to rise over one of the towns and her journey changes from loneliness to near complete devastation. A tablet, a box and a chest is part of her journey but new emotions can still be felt even though she has been around a very long time. Is it a hero 's fate that she can hear thoughts and feel the sufferings of the people in Kralaide?...Or a cruel destiny?

Death By The Riverside

Death By The Riverside summary: Death By The Riverside summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Death By The Riverside. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Koi no Yokan wa Amaku Kaoru

Koi no Yokan wa Amaku Kaoru summary: Kaoru is the owner of a small cafe called ‘Sarasa’. One evening he finds himself at the mercy of one of his customers, and in a desperate bid to find help he is discovered by a random pa.s.serby named Seiji. This starts an exciting time in Kaoru’s life.


Azazel. summary: Azazel. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Azazel.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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