
















简介穿越 宏伟浩大场景 毁天灭地的战斗
















内容简介:防盗百分之五十,三天。【已完结同类型作品:《坏男人系统崩溃了》《快穿之男神来了》小天使们有兴趣可以看看】小仙君外表端正持重,在蓬莱山修炼千年已到瓶颈,是以被师父派往三千凡尘淬炼道心。为 了让小仙君更好的修行,师父特意联系了自己的好友府君,派了一个系统辅助小仙君。没想到,修行的第一天,小仙君就被雷劈了。他垂眸,看着挽着自己的小姑娘,两个耳朵红红的……这人间修行为何总是让人面红耳赤,心跳加速?叮!坏男人1w0-97683 >>


内容简介:那一夜,当一艘带着婴儿的氪星飞船坠在麦克·肯特家的农场,当他决定收养那孩子,穿越的金手指因此激活时,他就明白,他的生活要发生变化了。超人克拉克·肯特,X教授查尔斯·肯特,万磁王埃里克· 肯特……当他成为这些人的父亲时,最强的一家诞生了!1w1800-70814 >>


内容简介:【中国梦征文参赛作品】如果时光能够倒流十年,你会干什么?“今生,我只想屠尽一切仇敌,保我方家千秋万代!”方言横刀立马,杀心四溢。蜕变后的他杀伐果断、腹黑狠辣,却又不甘平庸!只等时机一到 ,便要这庞大帝国天翻地覆!今生,我是大帝!你是乞丐!PS肥勒已有三百万完本作品——绝世凶魔,书荒的朋友可以去看看,完本保证,不会太监,各位书友要是觉得《九界神帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31642 >>


内容简介:前世,她被庶妹百般陷害,失去贞洁,嫁给老头为妾,更是被做成人彘,含恨惨死。重生后,她靠着娘留下来的玉佩拥有了高强的武功,从此遇神杀神,遇佛杀佛。对付仇人,她必将百倍,千倍地让他们还回来 !然而,她遇上了喜怒无常的夜王,处处撩人于无形。说好的禁欲王爷,怎么遇上她就变了?“爱妃,我都帮了你这么多次,是不是要以身相许?”“滚!”1w19121-25481 >>


内容简介:《御神天命之女异世惊华》简介:仙界上仙一朝被渣男贱女所毁,竟然变成了修仙世家的废材嫡长女入赘夫君成婚不到三日便弃她修仙而去,天才庶妹暗地里算计,师门嫌弃,师父不管没事,本上仙兴趣不多, 就是喜欢闪瞎别人的狗眼,毁我,辱我,别怕不多,千倍奉还。哎嘛,这位师兄不是自家的入赘夫君吗弃我而去,就别怪不顾夫妻情分,虽然是枚美男,可是本上仙不谈爱情。等等,这枚美男不对劲,说好的战五渣绣花枕头怎么变成了大乘期的老怪了呢修仙等级练气期筑基期金丹期元婴期出窍期化神期合体期大乘期渡劫期。1w0-86806 >>

美娱 野蛮生长 格格

内容简介:任何一个穿越者,都会为所在的国家和民族造成的巨大的贡献,并使之获利。有人认为,历史上那些伟大的伟人,都有可能是穿越者。但是穿越到米利坚的王城却打破了这惯例。有人问王成:“杜邦先生,你是 什么才会慧眼识珠,投中了瑞辉的ed项目。”王成在台上滔滔不绝地说他的投资理论……。其实有人说,他只是想吃免费的伟哥而已。作为好莱坞最有权势的人王成,却是对好莱坞的许多问题进行了猛烈的抨击:好莱坞已经失去了原创性,沉迷于票房数字,艺术性已经没有,我必须改变这点。”他这一个改变就让这些电影公司和院线们叫苦连天,评论界和舆论界确是对他好评如潮,认为他是一个真正的电影人。铁达尼号全球大卖,《魔戒》系列却亏了,《哈里波特》系列勉强保本,这里没有漫威电影,因为控制漫威公司的王成扬言:作为一个骨灰漫画迷,我有生之机都不会授权改编。且看王成如何穿越米利坚,成为超级搞屎棍的故事。1w0-86386 >>

Ryuu No Michi

Ryu stows away on a space vessel, only to be found by the crew when it's far to late to return to earth. So they stick him in a spare sleep capsule instead. Things take a turn for the unexpected, however, when Ryu wakes up to find himself the sole survivor of the expedition, the spaceship having crash landed on a grossly mutated and wholly unfamiliar Earth. Joining forces with fellow survivors from a different crash, Ryu and his comrades fight to survive on this new and deadly Earth as they search for any humans that might've made it through the mysterious apocalypse.

Material Puzzle

A boy goes looking for the legendary magicians who can save his village from a giant fungus, but he finds more than he bargained for.

Ohana No Oujisama

From Hanashi (Yaoi): The story is about the young man Takaaki (spoken as: Taka'aki) who waters a certain flower pot by chance. A small man who slept a thousand years inside the sprout comes out and needs to adapt to the new world--and to win Takaaki's heart, of course.

The Grand Legend Ramayana

A Fantasy Fiction comic that inspired by a tale of Rama and Laksmana...

The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain

The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain summary: “Li Anping, you are a devil from birth. Hidden under the feint of your pursuit of justice lies humanity’s deepest malice. To you, killing people is as easy as breathing, destroying lives is as simple as eating a meal.” “Li Anping, this is the enclosure that you created for humanity? Then let me see, if it is you who is crazy or the entire human race.” From a pedant youngster filled with justice, transforming into a cold-blooded devil and finally to the ruler of all creation. Li Anping, the man that stands on top of the food chain, will finally turn the world into his slaughterhouse…… Alternative Synopsis: Mutation, Bloodline, Ancient, Parasite, Domain, Outside. These six series of supernatural powers range from Level 0 to 4, with traces of their existence found throughout the development of mankind and society. On to modern society, with the changes to the environment on Earth, when the first Level 5 Ability User appeared and caused a calamity to the world, Ability Users have become a form of decisive military power. Teenage Justice Li Anping, after getting the strongest and most evil ability throughout history, will walk the path of justice and eventually his fall towards evil, and finally reach the peak of the food chain. The entire mankind’s nightmare is about to descend, the earth will become a giant slaughterhouse, and non shall escape the terror.

Rebels of the Red Planet

Rebels of the Red Planet summary: Rebels of the Red Planet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rebels of the Red Planet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation

The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation summary: The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Sisters’ Underwear Situation

My Sisters’ Underwear Situation summary: “my sister, me! Became a coat of the son-in-law,”
 I love the chest, high school students devote the youth in underwear making , Submit Akihito one day, is recommended a permanent job from Hattori kimono.
“Why!? I just want to make the underwear to touch the breast’s coat Yet!”
 At such times, Akihito is third daughter of the Hattori sisters, meet with the seven together. Moreover, in the momentum grab the chest …… !? I had a 
 couple of the worst encounter. But Nanaitoguchi was approached rainy day trading to Akihito.
” . I’ll then touch the breast of Oane So, me and cooperation,”
“First of all from Kimi’s chest – ! Painful ”
 and begin trading relationship. Before long, Akihito has been involved in abnormal sister -.

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