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内容简介:  谁说纹身的都是流氓?  且看因为爱人背叛而投身军旅,三年后从神秘部队退役,拥有真龙纹身的最强王牌回归都市,叱咤风云,无敌天下!1w0-2391


内容简介:被未婚夫设计,她却主动跑进他房间,一夜滚滚滚,竟被当成间谍抓了?What?他、他是国安局人人胆颤敬畏的首长大人?父亲跟他有仇,怀疑她意图不轨?好,要查就查!反正她吻了也睡了他,他能把她 怎么样?当身份显露,他却意外对她百般纵容,准许她穿他的衣服!准许她晚上爬他的床!还准许她睡在他身上!该死的,她还是跑了,带球跑了!男人狂躁:“女人,被我抓到,让你生一窝!”各位书友要是觉得《遵命,首长大人!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96076 >>


内容简介:《李寻欢明尊焚影》小说简介:李寻欢第一次见到裴戎昭的时候,觉得他是一匹桀骜不驯酷帅狂霸拽的孤狼,后来才发现他只不过是一只又嚣张霸道又腹黑但是有时候又很乖很好顺毛的大猫。裴戎昭第一次见到 李寻欢的时候,觉得他是个莫名其妙很讨人厌的书呆子,后来不知道为什么,却有点想把他娶回他们大明教的光明顶了……这是一个剑网三明教的NPC穿越到小李飞刀的世界,把李探花娶回光明顶的故事,主攻。CP喵哥X李寻欢。我的完结文周三入V,当天三更,晋江独家版权,拒绝一切转载李寻欢明尊焚影是原作者戒烟真人精心创作的历史小说大作,小兵同步更新李寻欢明尊焚影最新章节,书友所发表的李寻欢明尊焚影评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持李寻欢明尊焚影书友的观点。戒烟真人的其他作品:综武侠道长救命、倚天藏剑无忌、楚留香毒蛊香生关键词:李寻欢明尊焚影最新章节、李寻欢明尊焚影无弹窗、李寻欢明尊焚影txt下载您要是觉得《李寻欢明尊焚影》还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持戒烟真人吧!1w0-80655 >>


内容简介:  那一年树下,小和尚放下执念,证得菩提。那一月山里,懒道士走出红尘,羽化登仙。那一日林中,俊剑客斩落心魔,举日飞升。长生仙去,从人从山。山上有一片竹林,有女人自竹林中走出,她曾是执念 ,是红尘,是心魔。现在她只想吃饱饭。这是一个长生姑娘的故事。Ps:日常文,希望你们可以喜欢,已有300w老书变身灵山大师姐。群号:293368160,密码是吃1w0-2933 >>

Densen Complex

A collection of short, bittersweet love stories, including several incestuous ones. 1). Until the Ice Melts and Turns to Blood. The Karaoke staff call her 'the lonely girl.' She rents a room all night and won't go home. Why? And what can Nogami say to help her? 2). Suicide Note. Two charming girls, Michi and Rina, decide to end their lives this day. As the day ends we slowly discover why: both the horror--and the hope. 3). White. It happened once, years ago... Now it's all Minako can think about. She yearns to do it again. But how does her brother feel...? 4). Yellow. She just wants her brother to look at her--really look at her as a girl, not just a sister. 5). Blue. They were finally reunited after their parents divorced. She can't resist her feelings for him anymore. But will she lose everything for one night of bliss? 6). Prohibition. A walk together. A stolen kiss. Tears. 7). Moon River. A young man studies and studies afraid of his own problems of failing. Until he meets a girl with a specific problem of her own by the river... 8). Bitter Cakes. Miho meets with her friend Natsuki, who is blind. Natsuki trusts her other senses--and herself. But Miho trusts no one--yet perhaps trusts her eyes a little too much... 9). Love Horizon. A girl sees her high school crush by chance, but something is very different about him. 10). The Day It Rained. A short political piece regarding a young man, and a doll. 11). No Count. A young girl finds out that her first kiss was with her oniichan.

Furachi Na Otoko Tachi

1)Outrageous Men Mari and younger Eiji work for the same company, and they are secretly in love. Mari feels happy with him, because he is gentle, dependent on her, and cute. When she visits him at home for the first time, she is shocked to know that he is a brother of her former boyfriend Yuichi…! In her college days, she couldn’t get along with Yuichi because he was too pushy. Therefore, she chose to part with him, but... 2) Love Communication Tanabe Sumire has trouble dealing with her client Haga Takahiko...but when her mom pushes her to go for a match-making session her partner is none other than Takahiko and after a pretending to date him she realized she is falling for him. Will love communication help in solving her problems...? 3) Marriage Pink Yamashita Riko and Hayashi Ryoji are lovey-dovey couple about to get married. But after her first time staying with Ryoji, Riko realizes that sex with Ryoji is so violent that it drains her out. Worried she might not be able to get wedding preprations done she started avoiding Ryoji's invitations...Is this another case of wedding blues or rather wedding pinks in case of Riko...? 4) Can't Take Away My Treasures Kondou Miyuki is a host of show 'Cooking in 10 Minutes' but a lousy cleaner because she can't throw anything away. The next show that requested herappearance is a Live Broacast called 'let's go people's Home!'.Panicked Miyuki decides to clean her room. Luckily she runs into Hasegawa Nozomu a pharmaceutical consumer researcher while purchasing cleaning items whom she asks to prove the products use by cleaning her apartment. What will become of her messed-up house and her Live Broadcast...? 5) Calling For Love Kitou Kazuki after becoming jobless, homeless, and divoced ends up at Shibata Kouichi's place. Kazuki always sees Kouichi as her junior from high school but that changes when he declares his love for her. Will Kazuki respond to his call of love...?

The System Is At My Disposal

Abandoned young Su Hao from a wealthy family fell into the sewers. He got a blessing in disguise and was ordered to install the X system. With the moonlight treasure box given by the system, he traveled to ten years ago and started a new life.In my last life, I lived like a dog, those who hated me celebrated, and those who loved me had tears in their eyes. In this life, the Moonlight Treasure Box sent me back, the people who love me, sing and dance, and those who hate me, are in tears.

Sukitte Iwasete?

From Girls' Generation Scanlations: The cheerful and affectionate Hidekazu, and the thoughtful and genial Eiji. They were my old neighbors, the super popular twins. I, Ueto Shun, am in love with the younger twin, Eiji. We study at the same university and share an apartment, although I do not pay the rent... I live under the same roof, but... I am in trouble! I'm happy, but I find it problematic... The excitement of living with the person I love. I have to add that his older brother, Hidekazu, falls for a tsundere at first sight.


Nana. summary: Nana. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nana.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Absolute on the Mound

Absolute on the Mound summary: Until his second year of high school, Lee Jinyong’s whole life revolved around baseball. However, faced with the adversity of reality, his dream faded away. He never expected to be drawn into baseball again, until he started to see the unimaginable. [Baseball Manager Starts]

Hard Cash

Hard Cash summary: Hard Cash summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hard Cash. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Book of Snobs

The Book of Snobs summary: The Book of Snobs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Snobs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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