




















她与她的沙场恋歌。 。楼船夜雪瓜洲渡,铁马秋风大散关。 。因为一场政变,跌入人生低谷的谢敏与李奕在边关重逢,在朝堂沉浮、战火纷飞中相知相扶相爱。(第五话开主线)。 。只有谋略,只有算计,只有时时留心,只有步步为营。 。白切黑.相府长女 × 大白花.将门独子。 。权谋。百合。架空古代。












内容简介:人人都说,s大校草傅时寒,高冷矜贵,稳重自持,与女生说话从来不会超过三句只有霍烟知道,当年傅时寒是怎样搂着她,在自家门口的梧桐树下,贪婪地撕咬着她的唇,霍烟上气不接下气,低低哀求那几声 ,傅时寒的心脏都炸了。先天不足憨态可掬皮皮虾女主vs高冷矜贵占有欲强腹黑大魔王其实冷酷大魔王也有不为人知的小温柔霍烟五岁才开口讲话,即便长大了,也有些憨态笨拙,走路很慢1w0-65502 >>


内容简介:如果得到一件能够穿越到十天以前的法宝,你会选择穿越呢,还是选择穿越呢! 高考落榜而归的叶峰毅然选择穿越到十天以前,本打算弄出一个美妙的人生,结果却阴差阳错的来到了一个截然不同的世界。 天生难以修炼的混沌之体,却也阻止不了叶峰走上强者之路。 晶石稀缺,且看叶峰以二十一世纪的头脑,在这个只注重修炼的世界里如何疯狂的赚取晶石。 法宝满天飞,叶峰大吼一声,那都是我的,统统不许动,打个劫。 向来不畏惧强大,哥有无数超强手下,跟我拉硬,哥嫩死你。 从来不会欺负弱小,因为哥给你留了三秒钟逃跑。 什么?美女如云,叶峰笑了,哥面对美女时从来不会猪哥相,哥的名头就是泡妞的金牌保证。 实力超强的灵兽?正好给哥做宠物。 风云突变,神魔并起,原来这一切都是安排好,针对哥的一场阴谋诡计?高举手中的破杀猪刀,叶峰仰天长啸,我命由我不由人。且看叶峰手持杀猪刀,在修炼的道路上遇神杀神,遇魔屠魔,创造出一个又一个震惊修真界的壮举,开创出废体也能修炼至巅峰的先河。1w0-3790 >>


内容简介:赵轩穿越到了大秦初成,明知道这个朝代仅仅只是有十五年的寿命,为了天下苍生后世不受战乱的影响。赵轩选择出山,为祖龙毙后起义做准备。只是“我怎么知道我会是这种身份啊!”笔趣阁各位书友要是觉 得《大秦:身为长公子我一心只想造反》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72090 >>


内容简介:【全文免费】【1v1双洁】白昭绑定了一个系统,穿梭于各个位面之间,拯救伟大的神明于沉睡之中。可是她的任务好像是让正直善良的主神大人黑化系统解释伟大的主神大人心里亦有黑暗。好吧。黑化就黑 化。可是1w0-67718 >>


内容简介:  海贼王世界的震震果实,在火影世界变成了可以震碎一切的震遁血继限界!  尘遁木遁?须佐能乎?  全部一拳震碎!  “当力量达到极致,没有什么是一拳无法解决的,如果有,那就两拳。”   ………………………………………………  新书《世尊》已发布,求收藏!1w0-688 >>



Fire Emblem - Hasha No Tsurugi

Taking place on the fictional continent of Elibe and stars Roy, the son of Fire Emblem protagonist Eliwood. Roy leads the League of Lycia's army against the forces of the militant country of Bern shortly after his father falls ill. The story begins when King Zephiel, ruler of the kingdom of Bern, finishes the brutal conquest of Ilia and Sacae and sets his sights on Lycia. With the war coming to his own country, Roy is sent home to lead Pherae's army to oppose Bern, but soon after he meets Guinevere, the princess of Bern and Zephiel's younger sister, who has escaped from her homeland to search for a way to stop the imminent war between Bern and Lycia. Upon the death of marquess Hector, Roy carries on the Lycian League and makes many promises: to protect Princess Guinevere and Hector's beloved daughter, the mage Lilina, and most importantly, to save the entire continent from Zephiel's mysterious thirst for world domination. But this story's hero is Al, son of a Bernian blacksmith. After turning 15 he left his home with his father's sword to go on an adventure in this continent bound for war. Side story of Fire Emblem ~ The Binding Blade (Gameboy Advance Videogame).

A Love Guard (Hwang Mi Ri)

Don't be confused with Hwang Mi Ri's 'Love Fantasy.' as both Titles have 'Love Fantasy' A wedding engagement from love between a girl and a guy since they were children (6 years-old and 4 years-old). About ten years later, will their love still be the same? Will they have a happy ending?

Sweet Memory

From Mangasync: Mutsumi is an elementary student who's mother is a popular manga artist. Her mother has a strange habit of moving to different cities every year. Until one day, they moved to Sutsuji Gadai, New Town. How does Mutsumi cope with her new school and friends in this city? It's a sweet manga about love and sacrifice.

The Portrait Of The Ladies: Dream Of The Red Chamber - The Twelve Beauties Of Jinling

Aka Red Treasure to be Found, which is actually inaccurate. Aka Hong lou jin chai Note: this compilation consists of illustrations of “The Twelve Beauties of Jinling” from the Chinese classic 'Dream of the Red Chamber' aka 'Hung Lou Meng or Hong Lou Meng'.

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita summary: The story is set several centuries into the slow decline of mankind. Earth has now become the realm of “fairies” – 10-centimeter-tall (about 4-inch-tall) creatures with remarkable intelligence. The human protagonist of the story serves an important duty as the international arbitrator between the fairies and humans, and she returns to her former hometown of Kusunoki. She chose this job because she thought it was an easy job she can do, even when she is as old as her grandfather. However, she learns that her job is anything but simple when she meets the fairies.

King's Blades - The Jaguar Knights

King's Blades - The Jaguar Knights summary: King's Blades - The Jaguar Knights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of King's Blades - The Jaguar Knights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Wye and Its Associations

The Wye and Its Associations summary: The Wye and Its Associations summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wye and Its Associations. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Guardians - Abused RWBY Fanfic

My Guardians - Abused RWBY Fanfic summary: Long before the Great War, there exists a clan famous for it 's magicians. Magic that came from a contract with spirits through their inherited semblances and a chance meeting by the founding patriarch. For a mysterious reason the clan ceased to exist, forgotten by time. Young Aurum Aurelius has known abuse ever since he was conscious. Starting from insults, down to physical violence. Getting beatings...

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