
























类别热血 少女 其他








内容简介:隐婚四年,她尽职尽责,听话乖巧,最终得到一句:“你很好,但我要和别人结婚了。”于是一纸协议,她净身出户。她不怨,因为从结婚开始,她就知道,他们只是一场交易。如今,不过是交易结束了而已。 她本想藏起心中旖念,从此以后分道扬镳,各自安好。“你怀孕了。”医生一句话,打断了她想要得平静的生活。而他也忽然出现,满目冰冷的说:“你违约了,你要付出代价。”1w0-27403 >>


内容简介:她嫁他时,满心欢喜。离开他时,一心求死。本以为婚姻从离婚就是结束,却没想到是另一场噩梦的开始。她怀胎十月的孩子,每个都没保住。被害跳海,尸骨无存。五年后,当她再次归来,却被傅亦寒紧紧困 住,动弹不得。老婆,跑了五年,该回来了吧。顾雨凝挣脱想逃,却被三个小可爱抱住了大腿。妈咪,不要离开我们helli1w0-28922 >>


内容简介:简介:在原始世界来回穿越的林凡,带领原始人发展了两年后,从食人族手里救了刚刚穿越而来的少女——上杉尤樱,这个东京贵族大小姐“顺其自然”成为了他的女仆。每当回到现代世界,上杉尤樱发了疯一 样在华夏大地寻找林凡的踪影,上杉尤樱:找到那家伙,我要用钱砸死他!1w0-74020 >>


内容简介:  孟家那又傻又丑的大小姐为了个男人跳江了。得知她没死,众人嫌弃:祸害遗千年,她又要作了。她是作,但只作一人。“老公,我腿软,要抱抱。”“老公,我嘴痛,要亲亲。”傻千金不丑了!还被称为 “女神”。傻千金不傻了!瞧她那不择手段,锋芒毕露的嘴脸。等等,傻千金挽着的那男人是谁?她竟然移情别恋了!“呵呵,那男人除了有张好皮囊,就是个吃软饭的。”“娶了孟家千金,能少奋斗十几年。”“什么样的锅配什么样的盖。”不对,那男人不是全球首富吗?……婚后第一年——“老公,你长得好好看啊。Mua!”沐太太撒娇发嗲。“你站住,别过来!”沐先生招架不住这样的热情。婚后第二年——沐先生委屈:“老婆,看看我。”沐太太不耐烦的挥手:“你有什么好看的?别挡着我看小鲜肉。”“你当初可不是这么说的。”“所以说见多识广是有多么的重要。”“……”1w0-3493 >>




内容简介:是谁,操控着轮回运转?是谁,把握着主神命运?又是谁?将众生颠倒,逆转乾坤?华夏龙组第一高手擎空,为追寻好友黑客萧云飞的下落,强势降临轮回世界,历练生死,看他,如何揭开这最终的轮回之密本 站提示:各位书友要是觉得《无限之踏破轮回》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84513 >>

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Honda is a pharmacist who is overworked due to the hospitalization of his co-worker (who he's secretly in love with). Luckily, one of his customers, Sasashi, turns out to be a doctor who is looking for a job. Honda immediately hires him, but then learns that not only was he fired from his previous job for embezzling, but he's a notorious playboy too.

Neo Arcadia - Yami Ni Saku Niji

Once upon a time, the land was engulfed in complete darkness. The King of Light, who lived in heaven, wanted to create a nation of light on the land. He sent out his royal son, Rain of the Rainbow, to the King of Darkness, Zebb. The two instantly fell in love and did the opposite of what the King of Light wanted: they began living happily in the land of darkness. Suddenly, Rain goes missing one day...?!

Mei No Naisho

Mei no Naisho revolves around the life of the title character Mei Haruna, an effeminate young boy who was raised by his witch mother as a girl, and always thought of himself as female. His mother was the only family he had, so after she died, he transfers to an all-girls high school and comes to reside in the school's dormitory with his talking familiar cat Abel, and his roommate Fuuka Honjou, who is also a member of the public morals committee. Shortly after arriving at the school, his new friends discover after a magical display in the dormitory community bath that he is actually male, though this comes as quite a shock to him despite him being aware of the physical differences between him and normal girls. Despite him being found out, and after some helpful intervening of the perverted student council president, the principal of the school decides that he can stay at the school. The next day, Mei comes to school with Fuuka and apologizes for hiding the fact that he was a witch, and informs the others how he is apparently male. The other students quickly accept him as one of their own, and are impressed how he can use magic.

Hidoi Otoko

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Feng Mang

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The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade

The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade summary: The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Hunger summary: Hunger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hunger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dragon Lords Of Valdier: Ambushing Ariel

Dragon Lords Of Valdier: Ambushing Ariel summary: Dragon Lords Of Valdier: Ambushing Ariel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dragon Lords Of Valdier: Ambushing Ariel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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