
































内容简介:『本站唯一一本,真实世界动物刺客书籍』『老作者信誉可依』简介:江洛然因一次意外,获得了一只可升级、可变形的蚂蚁。没想到,这只小小的蚂蚁,竟然成为了所有人的梦魇。收取赏金,击杀恶人!无数 恶徒离奇死去,但业…1w0-87642 >>






内容简介:简介:【吾有一口饕餮气,百纳星辰山海川,弹指间苍天血鹏,铸此万道君魂】十万年前,亿万位面至强响应天神号召,齐聚太荒位面诛魔,群神化星陨落,碎裂太荒位面,诛杀魔君夜辰,此一战毁灭万千世界 ,一代魔君怀恨陨落。十万年后,魔君夜辰重生渊夜帝国,赤瞳少年醒天鹏武之灵、掌饕餮之力、燃无上瞳印、永夜魔瞳破虚妄、修天枢九鼎镇八方那个被称为魔的男人回来了,脚踏血瞳龙王,万血八翼在身,一飞三重天,吞噬星辰冷月,怒问作者:金色天芒所写的《永界魔帝》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-127694 >>


内容简介:为什么各大顶尖医院的专家主任频频现身一家社区医院?为什么全国知名的专家教授常常前往一家乡镇一级的卫生中心?中医药大学硕士研究生云珩刚入职就得罪了医院的科主任,从而被赶出了医院,只能进入 一家社区医院维持生计,然而在阴差阳错间,他却生生的把一家乡镇级的社区卫生中心打造成了闻名全国的中医药孵化基地和享誉全球的科研医疗中心。1w65188-90251 >>


内容简介:骆臻一昔穿越,成为了一本书里的炮灰男配。这位男配和女主青梅竹马,一直全身全意的照顾她,但不仅没得到回报,还因为女主的原因,不断的被男主反派大佬们针对,最后落得身败名裂,家破人亡。骆臻反 应过来后的第一件事,就是离女主和她的追求团队越远越好,但他突然被绑定了一个画风诡异的公主系统……系统任务一:人鱼公主任务开启,请于明天凌晨三点,叫醒你的室友,并为他演奏一首摇篮曲。骆臻看着睡在自己下铺,原著中打断原主腿的男二,觉得膝盖在隐隐作痛……系统任务二:白雪公主任务开启,请在一分钟内,抢走吃完你同桌手中的苹果,并在摔一跤后,把苹果吐出来。骆臻看着坐在自己旁边,最后会让他家破人亡的反派,手指开始剧烈发抖……系统任务三:一千零一夜任务开启,请从现在开始,每天为你的王子讲一个故事,讲满1001个为止。骆臻彻底愤怒了:!??靠!我哪来的什么王子!攻:我在这里。——骆臻曾经问过系统为什么会找上他,系统只是淡淡的问道:你小时候被下过毒吗?骆臻:下过。系统:你被绑架过吗?骆臻:是的。系统:你能听得懂小动物说话吗?骆臻:可以。系统:大家是不是都以为你的麻烦能化解是因为一个强大的男人?骆臻:是……什么?不是!攻:是的,没错。系统:那你就是我找了很多年的公主了!!!【预收文】:《当替身男配有了山海经系统》一觉睡醒多了四个爹《当备胎男配有了博物馆系统》异世界小说《全球旅行无限》灵异无限烧脑文点进专栏就可以收藏啦【基友已开的文】:《提起废后朕就心痛》by满种超级好看哒!PS1主角就是原主,并不是真正意义上的穿书2,所有人物都没有原型,全是虚构3,文案灵感来源于微博迪士尼公主梗各位书友要是觉得《当炮灰男配有了公主系统娱乐圈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-103996 >>

To The Earth-Born You

From The Faiien Scans: A tsunami that caught everyone off guard washed away homes and broke up families. At this moment, why bother remembering the past that can't be changed? Other than adding on to the survivors' sorrow, it also bring up those heart-tearing pasts...

Desu Puri

'From' J-Wiki: Takashi is reunited with a childhood friend he has not seen in 13 years named Miriko. Miriko, while thought to be missing, became the queen of an alien planet and leader of a strange army corp. To keep a childhood promise, Miriko sets out to take over the world with Takashi. However, Takashi has no desire to do this, so Takashi must stop Miriko's wild behaviors.

Shounen Ar

Yanagitaka Chiho is a librarian, but he doesn't work for your local branch. He works for the Misukatonniku Library, which is rumored to contain the world's history and knowledge and will grant your wish without collecting payment. However, you must obey the contract and heed the due date. If not, Chiho will hunt you down and collect more than just a small fee. -Summary provide by: shinkeikaku

Until You Fall Asleep

Irene is very happy when she finds out that her mother is getting remarried and will have an older sister to play with. Laura, on the other hand, is not so happy to see her father getting remarried after so little time since her mother’s death. While the girls start to settle their differences and become more friendly towards each other a dark secret starts to reveal itself.

Space Opera

Space Opera summary: Space Opera summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Space Opera. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tenonaru Hou e

Tenonaru Hou e summary: Long, long ago, there was a nopperabou, a lonely youkai with no friends because he didn’t have a face. Hiding his “face” with a fox mask, he waits alone for someone to love him. Two hundred years later… Tatsumi, a blind man employed at an ordinary company one day feels a faint presence at his work place. Now his one and only joy is spending his lunch times with Kusamakura, the man he met by fate when he picked up his fox mask that day. Even though he has an old fashioned way of speaking, and seems like he escaped from an ukiyo-e print, he faces Tatsumi with a straight-forward honesty, and eventually love blooms. At that moment, mysterious things start to occur around Tatsumi……!?

Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband summary: 'Lu Lijun! what're you doing?'
'Shhh! Let me see where that b.a.s.t.a.r.d touched you,' he tucked the loose hair strand behind her earlobe, 'n.o.body is allowed to touch my wife.'
'Dare to say it again and in no time you will see yourself on that bed under me...and I'll make sure, you won't be able to rest for even a single moment, till the morning.”
__ __
At the age of twenty, Jiang Yuyan married her love Lu Qiang, an heir to one of the most powerful business families in the capital. Tragically, a few months later, an unfortunate incident cost her husband's life.
A series of unfathomable incidents compelled Jiang Yuyan to marry her brother-in-law Lu Lijun, who's younger than her. Her new marriage meant nothing to her more than just an act to protect the people she cared about.
She planned to leave the Lu family after Lu Lijun became independent and spend the rest of her life with the memories of Lu Qiang which she treasured for all those years, but that turned out to be her wishful thinking.
Her brother-in-law, Lu Lijun, realizes that he is in love with her and wants her to be his wife.
What will unfold when he confessed his feelings to her, knowing that she will never accept him?
Will he be able to make her fall in love with him? Will her heart come alive again?

I Am A Big Villain

I Am A Big Villain summary: The sc.u.m’s or villain’s long road of transformation was tentatively set to the world: The abandonment of the educated youth’s wife (Completed) The hidden marriage of the sc.u.m film emperor (Completed) The best brother in the world (Completed) The Phoenix male who destroy the bridge after crossing the river (Completed) The treasonous general (Completed) I’m an honest man (Completed) To become the top scorer in the School of Agriculture (Completed) The soft rice man’s self-cultivation (Completed) The whole world is reborn (Completed) I want to survive on a desert island (Completed) The stallion male who has seized the opportunity (Completed) The perverted self-salvation (Completed) The spring of the loafer (Completed) The misplaced life (Completed) The miser career (Completed) The ghost is out of feeling (Completed) The Queen’s favorite husband (Completed) The vicious girl with her G.o.dfather (Completed) I want to be a good person (Completed) I does not tear up the family (Completed) The perverted common plant (Completed) The Mary Sue’s men (Completed) Every time I was reborn, someone wants to kill me (Completed) The old people’s counterattack path (Completed) The global evolution (Completed) When I became a net red (Completed) For you, good person (Completed) His heart had white moonlight (Completed)

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