








霸道逆天大魔王×呆萌逗比脑洞少女の宿命般的禁忌爱恋!穿越洪荒宇宙,交织前世今生!东西方玄幻魔法交融~突破异次元种族壁垒!魔王与少女の不可思议爱情冒险!华丽罗曼史为您呈现!每周三更新哦~~爱你们(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~~








简介一位极其普通的腐女早已女朱叶在卖同人志时, 一位极其普通的腐男子桐生和人前来购买 他们的身份其实是同一所高中的老师与学生——!?


















内容简介:谢渊的梦中之城怪谈横行,每次闭上眼睛,就会遇到无数诡异事件,几年没睡过好觉。直到有一天,他被卷入一场怪谈游戏,从此开始了怪谈游戏打工人的生活,然后发现,游戏里怪谈的触发机制……他在梦里 都见过。于是,谢渊一个零经验新人,活得像个满级号。游戏失败的怪谈们:“谢谢你,采访一下,能不能透露一下你是怎么解析怪谈的?”谢渊:“做梦去吧。”怪谈:“你礼貌吗?”1w0-55650 >>


内容简介:  一曰:乡下回京的姜家四姑娘,得罪了权倾朝野的摄政王,人生怕是要完。  岂料画风变成这样:  姜奈:“王爷,我给你算了一卦。你今天辰时前出门,九成九会遭雷劈。”  摄政王:……有何化 解之法?  姜奈:来我阴阳斋购一神器,可避大祸。  暗卫:……这不一锅盖么?属下觉得您似乎又被坑了。  本王翩然风采岂是一锅盖可压?让你们看看,何谓头顶锅盖风轻云淡。  二曰:四姑娘大字不识一个,半点文墨皆无,写的文章怕是狗屁不通。  上京书院院长:四姑娘上知天文下知地理,尤其对古姜国历史文化颇有研究,为学术上作出极大贡献。  群众:怕说的不是同一个人叭?这个院长八成是个托儿!  三曰:四姑娘克母克兄克叔婶姐妹,得送去庵里放养几年磨磨心气儿。  叔婶姐妹:哭唧唧,求求乃们别造谣了。命苦哇,你们每造谣一次,我们就集体倒霉一回。  数年后,姜奈牵着小版摄政王逛街。  儿子好奇问:娘亲,为什么坊间尚存一赌局,赌你在爹爹手里,活命不过三旬?  姜奈一脸心虚:这事要从一副山居图说起。  当年娘亲年少无知,把你爹坑在一副画里,差点把他给活活饿死啦……  儿子:……您当时怎么想的呢?  姜奈:就觉得他怪可怜见的,饿得腰太细了……1w0-1883 >>


内容简介:玄元世界,元气稀薄,灵石绝迹。武者只能依靠法宝,去迷雾世界寻找各种宝物来帮助修炼。普通的武者精力财力有限,只能祭炼一两件法宝。而李昱却拥有成千上万的法宝。因为他的法宝不仅不需要自己的心 神控制,还能自己修炼。“你的无情剑吸收日月精华,由法器进化为灵器,能自动斩敌于千米之外。”“你的天地阴阳镜吞噬宝器碎片,探查范围由十里扩张到五百里。”“你的无影化血刀与主人精神产生共鸣,领悟了空间穿梭的技能。”依靠自己的法宝,李昱在迷雾世界如鱼得水,修炼进度一日千里……1w0-82583 >>


内容简介:费雷泽,蛮夷之地。天使彦对着刚砌好的碑墓噙着泪水。忽然,一双血手伸了出来……叮,检测到剑魔阿托克斯杀意,宿主做出以下选择可获得相应奖励!【1、拿起手中大剑与剑魔阿托正面硬钢,获得第四代 神体!】【2、全力掩护天使彦撤离费雷泽战场,反虚空能力增强十倍!】【3、对恶魔俯首称臣,收获一只美丽的女天使,可啪!】看到系统精灵给本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人综漫《超神学院:我被天使彦挖出来了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、离婚后的我开始转运了、那个被我活埋的人、前方动漫有高能、三国:开局收服太后、跨物种相亲、居山海、武侠:开局算计师娘、艾泽拉斯女神、黎明之后、玄幻:我!天命大反派、绯闻太多是我的错吗、私密保姆、僵尸世界:神级选择、草茉莉、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、神奇宝贝之特性系统、明知故犯、我、我是你的、奸臣、都市:开局一艘十万吨核动力航母、星际之亡灵帝国、一枝、被病娇盯上的日子穿书1w0-78405 >>


内容简介:37岁老流氓商界大佬攻19岁天真清高美人受文案到了宫丞这个年纪,无心恋爱,只想走肾不走心做个好金主。郁南则好似他花园里精心培育的玫瑰,柔嫩美丽,待他采撷。摘完一遍,食髓知味。再摘一遍, 欲罢不能。再摘n遍后宫丞终于后知后觉,原来那他妈叫一见钟情。真小美人郁南“已经玩坏了,拜拜了您”阅读提示○受比攻小18岁,清高、美丽、天真集为一体。○攻前期有一点点渣,后期宠成操心老父亲。○老男人和小白花的代沟忘年恋,狗血十分多,看三俗封面就知道了。○作者已经放飞自我,遇ky会骂人。下本可能会写拥抱陆雪久狗血版文案众所周知,段家的养子陆雪久骄纵蛮横、作天作地,无法无天。段家的大少爷段蒙则冷酷严厉,就连在床上的时候都像一座冰山。段蒙教训陆雪久的时候,会亲手用鞭子抽。陆雪久白皙的背上尽是血痕。所有人都猜他们不合。直到有人亲眼看见段蒙将弟弟抱在怀里亲,温柔得能将人溺毙“行行好,小九。”文艺版文案陆雪久年少时就喜欢一个人。他是那人的弟弟、家人、最好的朋友、豢养的猫咪。他得到那人无微不至的宠爱。唯独永远不会是他的恋人。直到有天喝醉酒,他们睡了。○30岁霸道总裁攻22岁设计师美人受,有钱○伪兄弟,无血缘○攻受都不是第一次,在一起后身心只有彼此,雷者慎○受身上有奇怪的开关推荐基友的新文连载,已全文存稿放心跳掰弯就跑没门by巧克力香菇文案戚远要下班的时候,诊了个上课扭到腰的物理老师。那老师三十出头,宽肩窄腰,留个看着特别斯文的蓬松短发,金边眼镜一闪简直戳人心窝然后他就他就很不要脸的看上了对方的身体然而,这是一个[自以为是攻的“渣渣”受戚远x自以为是直男的忠犬攻梁鹤安]的故事。推基友的连载小甜饼,马上就要完结啦放心跳叮,你的小傻几已上线by痣鸽推基友的新文穿成虐文受和炮灰he了by灵甜,很好看1w0-29064 >>

Dame Bl

From acme: Dame BL is 'a collection of BL oneshots written by some of the lesser-known participants in the genre (and some you may be familiar with already), with a focus on less conventional settings and characters. We're very far away from high school here, which hopefully you'll agree makes a pleasant change of pace.' 1. Be Here to Love Me (KUMOTA Haruko) The relationship of a foot-fetishist and his cunning colleague. 2. Kou no Kawa (MOROZUMI Sumitomo) Set in ancient times, a village is near starvation due to a bad harvest. For some reason, the young chief takes care of a cursed man he finds lying in the river... 3. Khaa Thoong (Est Em) Can the young Thai kick-boxer rekindle the thirst for competion in a senior boxer after his devastating defeat? Column 1 (AOYAMA Toomi) Useless Side Characters Column 2 (Kashima) Obsession/Favoritism Column 3 (KUSAMA Sakae) Terror! Kappa Lake 4. Natsu no Saigo ni Yosete (UMEMATSU Machie) Two elderly men reminisce about their lives together over a bowl of peaches. 5. Locas! (OKADAYA Tetuzoh) Jean-Luc fell in love through correspondence in a chat with Al. What will occur, when he will decide to meet off-line? Is it really Al that wrote to him in chat? 6. And Robo (CHIBA Ryouko) A touching tale of robot clones... or something. 7. Shinumade BL Shindemo BL (Takeuchi Sachiko) 8. Tonari wa Nani wo Suru Hito zo (UNO Jinia) The unusual love a man has for his fan in the hot summer. 9. Soldier (Zin) A nazi sadist and a prisoner in camp. Excitement, desire, but... what about love? Attachment? Column 4 (KEVIN Komine) Column 5 (COTORINO Deathco) Eronashi BL Column 6 (PSYCHE Delico) Column 7 (YONEDA Kou) 10. Muhou no Shounen (Mochimeko) A story involving a Reckless Young Man and some scary faced gangsters. 11. Ima Doushiteru (ROTTA Ikumi) The funny relationship between a man who has a fetish for soft/chubby things and his fatty otaku-friend. 12. It Must Be (MOMOYAMA Naoko) A story about two professional cyclists and their travails.

Mukashi No Hanashi

• White Room Angels exist in both black and white. The white angels have pleasant jobs, like making flowers bloom and warning people of danger. The black angels have ugly jobs, like making people sick. When she was a child, the black angel Lily admired the white angels, and now as an adult she's decided she wants to be one. • A Story of Long Ago Long ago, an angel born from a daughter and her mother's lover remembers back to when she was born. • The Dreamer A girl dreams the same dreary dream every night, and meets a blind man who describes a blue sky to her. She searches for the blue sky. • Imagination Envious of the boy who always places first in her art school, she snaps at him, only to realize how wrong she was to do so. • I Dreamt of a Delicious Little Finger Dreaming that in a dream, your body parts turned to bread...! • Cups A depressed girl, seeing that her kitten is pregnant, works so that she will have money to afford kittens, only to find tragedy. • The Edge of the Sky, to the Furthest Horizon A man searches for his true love.

Motto Itte

Collection of short stories: 1. Tell Me More Thanks to being of mixed race, with the bold facial features and nice body, you can say I’m popular with the opposite sex. However, guys don’t seem to like my appearance…that’s why when I reveal my inner self, people might say “Your image is so different!” Lately, I’ve been chasing after Tsuchiya, but he seems to be like all the other guys…? 2. Look Cooler I'm popular and every guy wants me because I'm cool, yet I'm going out with Tsuchiya, who is far from cool. I wonder what got me to go out with him in the first place? Suddenly he gradually became a little bit cooler....I think. 3. I Want To Go More Recently Tsuchiya has been acting weird. He started to become cooler after his hair grew longer. Also, he stopped walking home together with me. No matter how much of an idiot he is, I love him. 4. Cherry Girl My cousin Arata, came back from the U.S. He was tiny, slow and a crybaby. But now he totally changed. He greeted me with a kiss!? And the worst thing is, it was my first kiss! 5. Say I'm Cute Just Because I'm in the Judo Club doesn't mean that I'm not girly. But Kazuki is the only person who thinks of me as a girl. I started to fall in love but he is already in love with another person, because of a delicious cake he ate and it was made by her. But the only thing he doesn't know, is that the cake was made by me.

Shima Shima Everyday

Shima Shima Everyday summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shima Shima Everyday. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Endo And Kobayashi's Live Commentary On The Villainess

Endo And Kobayashi's Live Commentary On The Villainess summary: 『She’s always putting on that grumpy face even though she’s not actually that upset! Oh, why can’t she just be honest with herself…!?』 『She is a tsundere, after all? When her embarra.s.sment levels exceed a certain limit, she will explode into anger. And if she has a point to make in such a way, she won’t care about how many people are watching.』 As Endo-kun pa.s.sionately reacts to the antics of Lady Liselotte, the villainess of an otome game, Kobayashi-san provides a painstaking breakdown of her tsundere behaviour. Suddenly, one person could hear their voices; Liselotte’s fiancée, Prince Siegward. That is where this story begins.

The Beginner's American History

The Beginner's American History summary: The Beginner's American History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Beginner's American History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The General''s Little Peasant Wife

The General''s Little Peasant Wife summary: She transmigrated into an orphan, thinking that she still had her boyfriend with her, yet in an instant, her world crashed. For the position of heir, he said, “Yao’er, why don’t you become my second wife?” A sentence destroyed her wishful thinking, causing her to end their relationship of two lives cruelly. Leaving the hustle bustle, she then lived in a forest, wanting to find an honest man to spend the rest of her life with. But not long after getting married, she realized that the honest man she married was a bit dishonest.
“Are you not an ordinary hunter?” she stared at the man pretending to be innocent in a furious manner. Is the ending going to be this way? Of course not, the story had just begun from the moment she changed her future.

Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology

Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology summary: Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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