
































内容简介:  太古时代,强者如云,有妖族巨擘,仰天长啸吼碎域外星辰,有人族无上大能,挥手斩碎万古苍穹。更有太古龙象,掌管亿万星域,统治诸天万界。  而曾经最为强大的太古禁忌神术太古龙象诀却自太古 时代结束便消失不见,时至今日,太古龙象诀已经失传亿万年。  无尽岁月后,落魄少年林枫偶得太古第一禁忌神术太古龙象诀。  当林枫从世界最北部一个偏远小城走出之后,一段传奇由此展开。  这是一个强者如林,万族争锋的世界。 问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?  林枫凭借太古龙象诀,战天斗地,横扫诸天强者,霸绝万界。  群号:426393872,群号2:5939226371w0-21 >>


内容简介:简介:唇红齿白,貌美如花。受尽宠爱的兰司被迫穿梭一个又一个世界,所有人都为他疯狂,渴望他,爱慕他,占有他。——万人迷渣受X精分变态混血攻各位书友要是觉得《快穿生来被爱的他》还不错的话请 不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105052 >>


内容简介:人善被人欺,马善被人骑。好人反抗,会被千夫所指,马儿反抗则被活活打死,不管你怎么说,怎么做,看不起你的人,终究看不起你。这一世,我陆阳重生归来,我要将那些看不起我的人,都踩在脚底,让那 些仇人都活在噩梦中,这一世,我为王!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市绝世仙尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69574 >>


内容简介:未来长生不死公司的掌门人,飞机失事穿越到秦末的魏国,成了乡中一土鳖。不管是在乡里,巧做豆腐,还是社宰分祭肉,就连追女孩,讨媳妇,都不惜弄几辆豪车,在家门口压出几道车辙印;智斗恶霸石家, 面对捣乱、诬告、纵火、奸细,层层设套,步步用计,最后通过乞丐寄书,使石家灰飞烟灭。看似生活日常,却处处暗藏机关,不经意间,彰显人生智慧。出山后,扶助奄奄一息的魏王,守大梁,杀得秦军尸横遍野,搞游击,截断秦军运输线;历经战阵,血雨腥风,安然自若;这些还都是小菜,重头戏在之后,看他如何辅助刘邦,屡出奇计,灭项羽,解白登,全樊哙,诛灭诸吕,保大汉四百年江山1w0-26688 >>


内容简介:本书存稿已经完成,新书《重生民国之中华崛起》已经上架。希望各位新老读者继续支持本书谢谢大家国防科技大学的一名研究生,因一次意外,回到了战火纷飞的年代,从一名红军班长,在湘江战役中一战成 名,由于历史的原因,没有随队长征,留在了湘江东岸,率领着自己救出的残部,重建根据地。为更好的掩护主力长征,与贺龙,肖克的二六军团会师。共同组建红军第二方面军,成功到达陕北,结束了自己的长征。他本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生之铁血战将》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-6159 >>


内容简介:为她,昏聩觞帝面对三十万重兵压境面不改色,撕碎讨伐文楔。为她,新君宁背负弑兄杀父的罪名,不顾天下人反对接其入宫。她是被人折断羽翼的亡国公主。他是纵马天阙大业的盛世帝王。他穷尽一生将她囚 禁宫苑,休想离开半步。她不惜以死求生,迫不及待离开盛极宠爱。这囚宫是世人艳羡所在,却非他们的。三代帝王,两倾皇朝,漫漫三十余载,终抵不过初见面时,额抹芙蓉的些许羞涩。各位书友要是觉得《美人天下之囚宫》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78188 >>

Saikou No Kiss Wo Ageru

Collection of Oneshots • Heartbeat Mail Uehara has always liked her classmate Kaji, who sits behind her but cannot find the strength to talk to him. One day Kaji left his phone on his desk, so she decided to leave a note with her mail address on it. Soon, they started mailing each other but what will come out of it? • 7 Kiss Asano is transferring soon. However, 7 days before she does, she sees Andou-sensei shoveling and she went up to him and kissed him, using her cellphone to take a picture of the scene! Using the picture, she blackmailed Andou-sensei into agreeing to kiss her every morning for seven days till the last day before she transfers… - Ochibichan • Love Honey Due to Shinji and Misaki’s parents remarrying, Shinji is now Misaki’s younger brother of 2 years. But that isn’t the only thing, Shinji and Misaki are also a couple, with their parents support! One day, when they come home from school, they found out that their parents had won a prize for a trip! What will happen on that trip?! And where would Misaki’s insecurity lead to?! *Sequel to Love Lover! Titles listed on 'contents' page: 1. Heartbeat Mail 2. 7 Kiss 3. Love Lover 4. Love Honey 5. Ojou-Sama no Okiniiri 6. Ojou-Sama no Okiiiri extra

Otoko Wo Misete Yo Kurata-Kun!

Kurata Yuki is staying alone at home while his parents are off on their vacation. His childhood friends Nekoyanagi Mei and Inui Sayo are helping him with the household stuff in the mean time. Mei is outspoken and active while Sayo is calm and knowledgeable. They have known each other for their entire life and they treat each other like they were real siblings. Little do any of them know, they’ll be involved in a love triangle a year from now.

Hisuiiro No Kaze

The so-called “Hard-boiled man” famous novelist, Takamura, came to a seaside village and encountered a youth named Midori, who bewitched Takamura with his jade green eyes. But before the cynical novelist realized it, he was dragged into a small hostel ran by Midori’s family! Later, Takamura learned that both Midori and him shared similar heartbreaking childhood experience, yet Midori never lost his faith and trust. In anger and frustration, Takamura violated Midori! How would these two come to terms with their feelings for each other?

Gon Selection

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The Stranger's Homeward Journey

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The Oregon Territory

The Oregon Territory summary: The Oregon Territory summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Oregon Territory. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales

The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales summary: The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Old Wine and New

Old Wine and New summary: Old Wine and New summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Old Wine and New. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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