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简介无意中得到了“妖怪百科全书”的孙小圣,会不会因此走上了一条反派的不归路呢? 我是大反派粉丝群:173436984 欢迎大家的加入!!!


内容简介:VB:晋江言西早早传闻新闻系系花颜舒有心计有手段,裙下之臣无数,踢到的唯一一块铁板,是许裴。——那个被澜大学子誉为数学系之光的许裴。校内论坛首页天天被刷屏:“来了,她来了,她端着上好的 绿茶走来了……”“省省吧,许神不吃你这套。”“坐等系花被打脸!”正当大家等着看颜舒的笑话时,这个天之骄子竟然当着全校师生的面,弯下清瘦挺拔的背脊,半跪在她面前,淡着脸替她系上鞋带。从此,校内论坛换了风向:“茶艺高超,算你狠。”“赌一道高数题,许神会发现她的真面目!”“等许神分手的第十七天,打卡!”某日,有人看到颜舒神色慌张地捂着一个小红本,匆忙间不小心掉了出来,作为一枚许神迷妹,她倒要看看这女人打什么鬼主意。凑近一看,竟是结婚证。日期,一年前???片刻,校内网出现一个新帖。谁捡到我太太的结婚证,请与我联系,此物贵重必有重谢。最后附上四个字:我是许裴校内网崩了,大家万人血书,跪求颜舒出搞男神的教程。却在一个传授茶艺的博主下面发现许裴的留言:谢谢,方法很有用,老婆已追到。???这特么到底谁茶谁?先婚后爱校园隐婚苏爽小甜饼排个雷:数学和新闻专业相关基本瞎编,一切只为剧情服务,如果你觉得离谱,那就是真的离谱,介意者慎入预收文《不轨》,求个收藏强排雷,预收女主非c,慎入!1宋佳薇刚和未婚夫亲热完,打开门,发现外面立着个男人。腿长,肌肉结实有力。脖子上一条长疤,看上去很不好惹。男人倚在走廊吸烟,烟头散落一地。他望过来,盯着她脖子上的痕迹,目光狠戾。后来,他把她抢了。2厉凛曾经堕落到骨子里,他住在潮湿脏乱的窄巷里,打架斗殴、偷鸡摸狗,人人避之不及。他的世界一片漆黑,直到遇到了宋佳薇。她漂亮聪慧又善良,她穿着干净的白袜子,一尘不染的小皮鞋,像极了城堡里的公主。她高高在上,他卑微到尘埃。厉凛用了十年时间,艰难洗净满身泥垢,摇身一变,成为了人人妄图攀附的商场新贵。回A城的第一天晚上,他隔着一堵门,听到她娇软的声音。他用尽全力,克制住想掐死那男人的念头,步步为营。终于,她成了他的太太。1w0-27384 >>


内容简介:怀揣艺人梦却被迫变成娱记的张怡被死后,魂穿成了第N线小艺人童黎。虽然只是线,但也算梦想实现!还没等高兴,她发现……这个小艺人居然还有强大的家庭背景!这个小艺人居然还有一个流隐婚老公!这 个小艺人居然混了三年还是个线!童黎不甘心了!资源在手,天下我有啊!从此揭穿渣男!撂翻绿茶婊!糊倒女强人!从此线变锦鲤,演啥啥都火,干啥啥都行!再后来,一群反派痛心疾首的告诉她,她不是什么锦鲤体质,而是她老公厉宫冥那OSS在后面不遗余力的捧她!童黎茫然:“厉宫冥,你捧我干啥,我糊了,咱俩不正好离婚?”厉宫冥:“我现在不离了,也不隐了,我要官宣!”1w0-79462 >>


内容简介:中西医内外科全能,尤其擅长整形外科的著名医师谢云瑶,游泳池里穿越古代,变成了大齐国臭名昭著,且惨遭太子退婚的恶毒村姑!谢云瑶不甘恶名,穿男装化身郎中,悬壶济世赚钱养家,惹下桃花无数,可 她却拒绝了所有追求…1w0-74056 >>


内容简介:  勤习不废修金诀,功满终须礼玉宸。  道向玉毫传得秘,书从黄石授来真。  今朝瓢笠游方外,旧处烟霞失主人。  从此坦然云水客,木人花鸟度青春。  一名修道人,误入方外天地,通玄究微、 悟道求真。1w0-2994 >>





Kusuriyubi Hime

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Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation

Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation summary: Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

The Billionaire's Runaway Bride summary: The Billionaire's Runaway Bride summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Billionaire's Runaway Bride. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Lady In The Lake

The Lady In The Lake summary: The Lady In The Lake summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lady In The Lake. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Alex's Adventures In Numberland

Alex's Adventures In Numberland summary: Alex's Adventures In Numberland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alex's Adventures In Numberland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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