














简介为阻止魔灵入侵、守护生态和人类的安全,加迪安成立了专属应对魔灵及魔物的V机关(the Vanquishers),12岁少年第五仁的父母在第一次魔灵战役中牺牲,仁便加入V机关成为学员,从而展开一段漫长的复仇之旅……


















内容简介:唐季既没,诸侯崛起,天佑帝起于草莽之间,于江淮地区创立楚国已经十二年,与占据中原的梁国以及占据河东、幽燕地区的晋国,成为当世最为强大的三大霸主,天下征战不休、民不聊生…& hellip;【楚臣书迷群,QQ群号:808859328,微信公众号:gengsu1979】1w0-1098 >>


内容简介:左林说这个世界上,每个人都有自己的生活:有人喜欢挣了钱花掉,有人喜欢败家,有安于清贫的,有喜欢出名的,有躲在无人的角落里终老的,有向往别人的生活的,也有想创造自己的生活的……每个人都有 选择。只有我,我们,没有选择,也无需选择。我们的生活,就是和这个世界上所有的生命站在一起,捍卫他们,保护他们……看白金作品,阅丫丫人生。起点白金写手新作,看白金作品,阅丫丫人生。起点白金写手新作,还有他们之间不得不说的故事:人妖一板砖《浴火焚神异界行》97456,鹅考《女神保护人》96075,众生《始皇天下》96876,流浪的蛤蟆《大猿王》93832,Absolut《野性之心》78787,跳舞《邪气凛然》93122本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《野性之心》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79289 >>


内容简介:意外穿越来到平行世界,开启环球直播冒险之旅。我曾在沙漠里手撕鲨鱼,在大海之中见过真龙,在火山之巅喝过岩浆,死亡率百分百的生命禁区,地下一万米的海底世界,由黄金铸成的无人小岛,神秘的天空 之城,连接地底的阶梯叶轻不断解锁着世界地图上的新场景,这是一场真正的大冒险,更是一场充满疯狂,恐怖,奇妙,温暖的旅途。世界那么大,跟我一起去看看吧!1w0-78580 >>




内容简介:林启穿书了,穿进了一本甜宠系校园文里,还多了一个校霸男朋友,据说是他死缠烂打才缠来的。想不到还能重读一次高三,穿书前高考才三百分的林启决定,这回他一定要洗心革命,好好学习,争取考上清华 北大!林启穿进去的时候,校霸还没喜欢上他,所以为了后期不让恋爱影响到学习,所以林启决定——趁现在赶紧先和校霸分个手!贺曜攻:闭着眼睛就能考满分,校霸兼学神,暗着骚,超级宠妻狂魔林启受:试图好好学习考清华北大的学渣,能动手一般不动口日常——贺曜:“想分手?”林启认真道:“对。”贺曜伸手将他困在墙角,把脸凑过去,“那先亲我下。”林启:“……”苏苏爽爽甜甜,轻松向,收藏了不吃亏嗷本文又名《锁死,齁甜》每天中午12点更,雨雾小甜饼本文将于16号入v届时万字章备候预收文:《穿成校草被迫营业》俞柏舟穿进了一本爽文里,书里的男主是个有颜有才的学霸,因为各方各面太过耀眼,导致很多人对他不满,想方设法的整他,以至于给男主的高中生活留下了一道黑暗的阴影。然而,反派们都不知道,看似一贫如洗的男主实际上A市首富的小儿子。以及在六年后,男主将会凭借自己的实力取代他爸的位置成为A市新的首富,而十年后,则更是会成为史上最年轻的全国首富!不到那时,反派们就会被男主折磨得痛不欲生!俞柏舟穿进去的时候,嘴里叼着烟,正翘着腿坐在椅子上,一副玩世不恭的模样,而面前的凳子上,准首富则被人五花大绑,盯着他的眼神恐怖如斯。……好巧不巧,他穿成了反派里整男主整得最凶的那一个。被迫当校霸营业的乖乖学渣受vs从二十九岁重生回来的狠戾大佬攻1攻重生,受穿书2苏爽甜,轻松向,开心为主1w0-28456 >>


内容简介:325v当日万更主角身穿,是委托人的外挂金手指,自带系统c沈轶的任务,就是改变那些人的命运。世界1现代修真剑宗继承人重伤垂死,准道侣却在危急关头选择救蓝颜知己委托人不好意思,我和我的剑 he了1w0-28711 >>

U Wa Uchuusen No U

Comicalization of eight short stories from the great American science fiction master, Ray Bradbury: The Lake: A man revisits his childhood home and recalls a friend who drowned in a lake during childhood. Jack in the Box: A boy lives with his mother in a vast secluded mansion. She raises him to be God after telling him his father, the original God, was killed by beasts outside. Homecoming: The main story concerning the Elliot family of vampires. It concerns their return to the ancestral home for a gathering and is seen through the eyes of Timothy, a mortal child left on their doorstep who longs to be like them. R is for Rocket: Also known as ''King of the Gray Spaces''. The Rocket Man: An astronaut's job keeps him away from home for long stretches of time, so he has little time with his wife and son, only visiting them for a period of three days at a time. The story is told from the perspective of the son, who holds an interest in becoming an astronaut too. The Fog Horn: A man and his boss are putting in a night's work at a remote lighthouse when the lighthouse's resonating fog horn attracts a sea monster who destroys the place. The Screaming Woman: A mystery/suspense story, describing a young girl who tries to procure help in digging up a woman buried in an empty lot. Come into My Cellar: Better known as ''Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!'' There are many wondrous things that small boys can order from mail order catalogs.

Gensou Suikoden - Uketsugareshi Monshiyou

Due to the friendship he had with Ted, McDohl's attempt to save him eventually turned his life around from being the son of General Teo McDohl of the Imperial Army to become a wanted enemy of the Empire. A chosen bearer of one of the 27 True Runes, his encounters with death were already foreboding the moment the True Rune was attached to his right hand. Yet, McDohl continues to walk upon the journey through the Empire: facing corruption, cruelty and the life-changing decisions he has to make in order to restore order and peace for the people in his country and to fulfill the hope of many that was entrusted to him. Based on the PSOne video game, it is also loosely based on the Water Margin classics, though it's limited only to the gathering of 108 Stars of Destiny in order to overthrow a corrupt government.


Roan Summer is a 16-year old high school student who has been pretty unlucky when it comes to love. During his freshmen days, he fell in love with a girl from a different class whom he calls Miss Question Mark. Well, this is because he lacks the courage to ask her name, much less to confess his hidden feelings to her. Now, freshmen year is over and as he heads toward his sophomore year, he is wishing that by some miracle, he would finally belong to the class where his beloved crush is. Odds surprisingly favor Roan’s first day of school this time as he discovers that the vacant seat next to him is actually Miss Question Mark’s chair. However, one afternoon, a clumsy, pretty yet weird girl named Meory Winter ruins the moment as she comes rushing to the room where Roan is, causing the two to bump and to accidentally kiss one another. Pursuing his feelings for Miss Question Mark at one hand while trying to keep the “accident kiss” with Meory a secret on the other, together with his new, old and crazy friends, Roan Summer’s love story is now terribly tangled and twisted. Can Roan be able to escape this Love Rumble? Or rather is he willing to escape it to begin with? (L. Rumble!)


Sachie Wakamura just lost her mother, and her estranged grandfather has shown up to take care of her. The only problem is that Grandpa is the head of a yakuza gang! Sachie tries to continue living her normal life, but she can't run far since Rakuto, one of the most popular guys in school, is part of her grandfather's gang and her new protector. Soon, Sachie finds herself falling for her bodyguard. But she's the granddaughter of Rakuto's boss, so she can never show her feelings for him. Can Sachie find a way to fit into her new family and seize her chance at romance?

A Rural Life In The 70s

A Rural Life In The 70s summary: In her last life, she was miserable and ordinary. This time, she got into the fashion and was reborn in another world. She was still the same person… even with the same body and face. What was the point of reincarnation? A childhood companion? He always pulled her hair and made troubles for her? A handsome boy? The boy never looked at her and was 15 years older than her! A prestigious teacher? The teacher spent his days eating and drinking, coaxed, played tricks, and controlled others… Too scary and better run away? No no no, such a challenging life was bound to be wonderful! Now let me take you back to the 70s and live a fast life!

Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut summary: Lux, who was a prince from the Empire that was destroyed five years ago due to the revolt, met with the princess of the new Kingdom, Lizsharte, by accidentally breaking into the bathroom of the girl’s dormitory.
“&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;How long are you planning to stare at my body, you fooooool!”
The ancient weapons found from the ruins, the Drag-Ride. Lux who was called the strongest Drag-Knight in the past was now known as the “Weakest Undefeated”, a Drag-Knight who doesn’t attack at all. After the duel that started by the challenge from Lizsharte, Lux ended up entering the girls’ school that raised Drag-Knights&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!
Lux’s story where he is surrounded by the n.o.ble girls from the academy is about to unfold.
The “ultimate” academy fantasy battle where the right and the might cross pa.s.ses now begins!

Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality

Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality summary: Lin Luoran is a 27-year-old girl from a rural family. She doesn’t have a college degree, let alone any money.
After cheated by her boyfriend, Lin Luoran accidently finds a mysterious s.p.a.ce in her heirloom. At first, she only tries to use the magical spring water in that s.p.a.ce to grow medicines like ginseng to help out her family. However, Lin Luoran never thought that she would become the last female cultivator in the world.
The family of cultivators have not been seen on earth for thousands of years. Lin Luoran strives to cultivate herself in the metropolis, to complete her first-ever journey to immortality.
As for love… What will happen to Lin Luoran, a girl that is so different? Let’s open the book and find out.


Luna summary: Laneige is pretty and smart, but only thing that she is missing is wealth and last name. A commoner like her can’t really get a good education even though she is smart. And people who are not n.o.bles don’t have last names to verify who they are. There is this one academy in the whole country called Royal Academy. They said it’s for the education, but unless you are rich or already have large amount of knowledge, there is no way for a normal commoner to enter this school. Laneige studied her b.u.t.t off to get out of poverty, and she was able to get into this school, BUT female student spots were filled. The school couldn’t give special treatment to Laneige because then the n.o.bles will uprise and complain to the school. Still the school couldn’t let Laneige go because she had an outstanding grade, so their method was to disguise Laneige as a male and let her stay in the school.
When you are a commoner, you can study your b.u.t.t off to get into the school. But there is still a hierarchy in the school. When commoners enter the school, they are a.s.signed to one child of a n.o.ble who is older than them. Those commoners are called j.a.pry. They are to stay and follow the person to “see” and “learn” better and faster. But that’s only an official excuse. Basically j.a.prys are their personal servants.
Laneige becomes the j.a.pry of the country’s most powerful n.o.ble’s second son. She was prepared to meet a spoiled brat, but he was little different than she thought….

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