
































内容简介:  高扬是一个军迷,一个很普通的军迷,爱刀,爱枪,爱冒险。  一次意外,高扬跑去了非洲,结果不幸遇到了空难,侥幸活命,却从此只能在枪口下混饭吃了,因为他成了一个雇佣兵。  一个军迷,能 在国际佣兵界达到什么样的高度?  请拭目以待吧。  1w0-405 >>


内容简介:高智商科学官云染穿越到一个被全网黑到自杀的少女身上,她照了照镜子,觉得有点辣眼睛,于是对系统下达指令:“参照我原来的身体,一键美颜。”系统:【很抱歉主人,系统能量不足,请收集能量后再进 行身体数据改造。同时,系统友情提示,你的银行卡余额不足,即将饿死街头。】不过是赚钱而已,难不倒她。不光要赚钱,还要走上逆袭打脸之路,洗脱全网黑的污名。——即使公平从来都是缺席,我也要这个世界唯独对我公平。By云染旁人都道江砚殊是个犹如高岭之花一般的男神,实际却是个切开黑的病娇。他原本以为爱或不爱都是无关紧要。他不会爱上一个人,尤其是,那个人名叫云染。可爱情就是量子纠缠,它是失序,是超光速,是暴风雨来临之前的最后平静。本文又名《调香后她粉丝破千万》,《调香师之五行不缺金》,《重生后病娇爱上了她》:【调香师女主加能够改造身体数据的系统VS外表高冷内心病娇洁癖男主,双洁,爽文,以事业线为主,感情线为辅】1w0-73066 >>


内容简介:姜吟大学时追尹遂没成功,一时怒从心头起,恶向胆边生,扑上去把人强吻了。多年后再遇,他是商界叱咤风云的顶级大佬,沉稳内敛,气度矜贵。姜吟怕被报复,看见他就躲。不料某天回家,她看到尹遂在和 自家老爸下棋。姜父笑着介绍:“这是尹遂,我和你妈以前的学生。”男人抬头看她,唇角一勾,桃花眼深邃撩人。没多久,家里人安排她和尹遂相亲。相亲那日,两人聊起大学时的那档子事。姜吟咽了咽口水:“我那天,是一时冲动。”尹遂懒洋洋抬眸:“一时冲动,就不需要付出代价了?”他说着,将一份结婚协议推至她面前:“做了就得负责。”姜吟:“??!!!!!”1w0-4282 >>


内容简介:我叫计承宝,是一个长得漂亮还爱打架的男生。我这辈子最难忘的事情,就是在那个午夜的街头,我被鬼在胸前按下了乌青的手印,蒙蔽了心智。是师父,用一枚铜钱把我拉了回来。让我成为了“宝贝儿”道爷 。校园从来就是一个肮脏的地方。怨念的戒指,被遗弃在厕所的婴灵,自杀的女生,还有那些隐藏在深夜宿舍中的鬼游戏。明南十一中,我噩梦的开始。我最后要杀死的人,是我自己!悬疑道法校园黑道言情,看过《尸体》的童鞋,应该了解我写文的调子了。这文,还是这个调子,因为加入了校园黑道的一些内容,不喜勿喷。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《宝贝儿道爷》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65688 >>


内容简介:重生到九十年代末期的何薇,才适应了俩月的生活,就被未婚夫退了婚。是嫌弃她长相丑品位低还是觉得她是软柿子?本姑娘岂容尔等等闲之辈可以任意践踏?看她如何虐渣打脸,华丽变身!重生一世,她只想 弥补前世遗憾,各位书友要是觉得《重生逆袭之头号军婚》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w50036-99176 >>



Southern Cross

From Sugar Oasis: Nobushina Naharu has always wanted to become a famous detective. Her dream is to set up a 'Detective club' at school, but the teacher requested that a club has to have at least four or more club members to be considered a club. So then, when she has finally gathered 3 other partners, she realizes that they are getting weirder and weirder one by one.

The Fabulous Lives Of The Hillington Sisters

Hildea Hillington, the daughter of duke Hillington, always knew that she was a mere supporting role in the story. She also knew that her destiny was to watch her younger sister, Roserielle, get married to young and ambitious duke Gabriel Velkius.But something was definitely off. Why does Gabriel say that he loves me? He's supposed to be in love with my sister!He Loved My Sister, mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.

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A mysterious disease is spreading amongst the reyvateils, causing them to go berserk. The key to stopping them lies in the hands of Espada Reid. The only problem is: he hates reyvateils. Will he be able to overcome his feelings and stop the reveris illness?

My Little Sister Is Too Cute

Aki is in a one-sided love with her sister, Haru. One day, she notices that Haru is depressed and goes to her friend, Shizuru for advice. Shizuru jokingly advises Aki to let her love rub her breasts, but Aki takes her seriously. What lies in store for Aki and Haru?

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Can she learn to not only survive, but thrive on her journey?

Bored Gamer In Other Worlds

Bored Gamer In Other Worlds summary: Bored Gamer in Other Worlds Author 's Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Immovable87 PayPal Donation - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_b.u.t.ton_id=GX29VUN9C7M78&source=url Discord: https://discord.gg/mXMRjzF

The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils summary: She was originally a jiangshi that had cultivated for countless years. However, when she attempted to illegally enter the world of the immortals, she was discovered by the Jade Emperor, who threw her into the mortal world. Her soul left her corpse, fusing with the body of the Motian Dynasty’s sixth princess. She didn’t even have the chance to digest her current circ.u.mstances, before her maid unexpectedly ignored her mistress, even publicly provoking her!
“What, that weak coward, absolute idiot, who has neither her father’s affections nor mother’s love, and is treated as a maid by her older sister?! The one all the royal princes on the earth unexpectedly loathe?”
“d.a.m.n you! This old lady will let all of you understand why the flowers are so red!”
“Hey! Did you hear? That cowardly sixth princess unexpectedly s.n.a.t.c.hed away the man that the eldest princess favored today!”
“How is that interesting news? That fourth princess who always ran amuck in the capital city is now confined to her bed!”
“The good-for-nothing counterattacks! The previously cowardly and incompetent sixth princess suddenly reveals her exceptional talents! Full of glittering elegance, unparalleled disdain!”
She is driven by the desire to shed no more tears! However, if she had known what would happen later, she would be better off acting stupid! She had calculated thousands, tens of thousands of scenarios, but had never calculated one where one day, her own prey would unexpectedly turn around, and ruthlessly bully her instead! d.a.m.n it, she still hasn’t sucked any blood yet!

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