
































内容简介:什么?我得了绝症,天哪!我不活了,额,也活了不了。唉,等死不如做好事,呵呵,救了一个孕妇。晕,为我诊断的医生是神经病。。。我汗!nbspnbspnbspnbsp吓!我见到鬼了啊,竟然是 那个孕妇,呜呜。。。在她的口中才知道自己死了,不过,那个孕妇为了报答我,竟一脚把我踢进婴儿的身体里,还是她女儿!nbspnbspnbspnbsp被一个自称爷爷的人接到家,醒来时见到三个惊天地泣鬼神的饿。。小帅哥。原来他们就是我的哥哥们啊!1w0-96616 >>


内容简介:  穿越异界,化身世家子弟,觉醒自身异能。 投影不同人物,获取不同技能,投影万千世界,领悟一个个世界的风采。 无限之旅,从此开始。欢迎诸位大大加入书友群:243373977(普通群 )652557418(VIP群,需一千粉丝值)1w0-4163 >>


内容简介:她是放逐于黑暗世界的妖精,妖媚勾魂,无心无情,无所谓正邪,只想随心所欲的活着,可是上天终究看不得她这么惬意,让她葬身火海,尸骨无存。再次睁眼,她是尧月国唯一的公主,不过却是个白痴加花痴 ,纨绔不化,刁蛮跋扈,痴恋尧月第一公子,用尽手段让他臣服在自己的裙下,却在新婚之夜被人暗算死于非命。皇族之人视她为耻辱,天下之人不屑嘲讽,却没人知道那具身体早已换了灵魂。黑暗中她勾起妖冶的红唇,媚惑如斯:“如此才有趣啊!”一手敛财、一手兵器,当天下大乱,她惊艳出世,列国之上,唯我独尊,从此,谁还敢小看她半分?衣袂飘香,那倾城一撇,又夺了谁的心魂?她只想肆意的重活一世,却不想在不经意间成就了无数人的惊鸿,无需渲染,便已倾绝天下!他,才华盖世,清冷绝傲,一袭青灰色长衫给他穿出了清风明月的气质,一身淡雅从容,不染纤尘,可终究因为那如妖如月的女子失了心魂,从天际跌落地狱,堕仙成魔!他,红衣妖艳,嗜血无情,如一朵开在黄泉路上的地狱红莲,勾魂妖冶,三千荼蘼染绯月,倾尽人间修罗色,明明是那么无情的人,是谁让他滴了红颜泪落在心口点绛了朱砂?他,随心肆意,无拘无束,一身白衣游走江湖,杀伐果断,快意恩仇,可长剑斩尽天下人,终究遇上了那人,最后宁愿将剑刺入自己心窝也不愿伤那人分毫!他,身怀仇恨,外面沉寂淡雅,内心却早已噬恨成魔,暗黑、死寂、腐朽,忽然有一日,那方黑暗的天际摄入一道烈焰,灼伤了他的眼,也灼伤了他的心,是为仇恨死,还是为那点光热而生?他,淡雅如风,无心无情,手中素弦拨弄,如仙乐可醉红尘梦人,也可如地狱冥音杀人无形;可琴音能控,那人心呢?1w0-84779 >>


内容简介:本书出版实体书有两个版本,如想收藏,请购买《江山美人谋》典藏版,分为上下两部,共四册。另外一个版本未出完,大家不要买错了。谋士,运筹帷帐之中,决胜千里之外。她非美人,美人是她手中的棋子 ,她非权贵,英雄竞为折腰。(本文分类写错了,并非宫闱宅斗,而是战国热血权谋文。)1w0-6468 >>


内容简介:在某个交流会上,王刚这厮又在对着众人兜售各种各样的商品。“尊敬的公主,这款是时下最漂亮的婚纱,配上你那婀娜多姿的体型,绝对能迷倒全场人,让你成为众人的焦点。”“剑圣大人,你还在为别人挑 战你头疼吗,这是九级灵兽,居家旅行的好东西,灵兽一出,晚上睡安稳觉。”“上仙,你觉得修炼无聊了?这是多功能笔记本电脑,里面有许多的游戏,保证你玩的畅快,让你忘记修炼的无聊,轻松打发每一1w0-68619 >>


内容简介:林锋看电影时,意外穿越到怪兽宇宙中,夺舍了哥斯拉的天敌基多拉。他发现自己牛逼炸了。到目前为止,已经生存了亿年,堪称生物界的活化石!6500万年前,因为基多拉的捕食,更是导致了恐龙的灭绝 。林锋看了看自己只剩一截的脑袋,一点儿也不慌。因为,他保留了基多拉的种族天赋。吞噬地球大蟒蛇,尼斯湖水怪,骷髅岛金刚,哥斯拉,魔斯拉,甚至漫威超级英雄,紫薯精…各位书友要是觉得《我居然变成了怪兽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77559 >>

Overbearing Tyrant

In the year 202X, the Otherworlders invaded Earth. The otherworlders have more sophisticated technology and hunted down humans with combat robots and viral weapons, and the remaining humans battled on for 10 years just to survive. The main character, Park Sung Hyun', was the leader of the troops in Incheon, Bupyeong. Prior to the invasion of the Otherworlders, he used to be a part-timer at a convenience store like an ordinary person, but he became a strong warrior in the process of losing his family and battling to avenge them. In the midst of the attack against the Otherworlders' headquarters, Park Hyun Sung got trapped in a warp portal with the leader. When he woke up, he found himself in a fantasy world that reminded him of the medieval times in Europe, and his soul was trapped inside a weak blonde 15-year-old pretty boy's body. Hyun Sung was surprised by the unfamiliar surroundings and his weak body and found out that he is occupying the body of Ian Albarren, and that his father is the lord of a land who owes a large debt to the great lord and faces a difficult time ruling over his land. Park Hyun Sung, who had been fighting against combat robots and viral weaponry from the Otherworlders who had advanced scientific technology, decides to get used to this fantasy world to fight against monsters with armor and swords.

I Really Don’T Want To Be The First

I Really Don't Want to Be the First manhua, After many rounds of death verification, Xu Xiaowen found himself with the first BUFF no matter what will easily take the first, and then the day will die a violent death. This time, Xu Xiaowen made a wish. He must be a loser, try to live until the age of eight! However, the heavens played a joke on him again, he is actually an all-powerful superpower? Wo Zhen De Bu Xiang Dang Di Yi I Really Don't Want to Be the First I Truly Don't Want to Become Number 1

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Look At Me, Class Rep!

To the dismay of the class rep Chizu, the cool girl Ayaka suddenly turned into a flashy delinquent. Chizu wonders what might have happened and why she herself is so eager to go above and beyond her call of duty to keep the formerly quiet girl out of trouble.

This All Happened

This All Happened summary: This All Happened summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of This All Happened. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

K - Four Seasons of K

K - Four Seasons of K summary: K - Four Seasons of K summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of K - Four Seasons of K. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I'll Be Watching You

I'll Be Watching You summary: I'll Be Watching You summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of I'll Be Watching You. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage

Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage summary: Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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