












简介现代特工姬轩穿越到架空古代变成太子,却被送到别国作为人质。最怕麻烦的他,本以为穿越到古代,可以做个小透明,等待机会回到现代,却没想到惹来了三个大“麻烦”—— 同为质子却不可一世的秦国太子;温文尔雅的圣子;互看不顺眼的赵国太子。而随着与他们的接触,姬轩的真实身份也被揭晓…… 每周五更新!~







Mean girls茶里茶气













内容简介:我的修仙日记我的修仙日记小说阅读玄幻魔法小说我的修仙日记由作家凌空一渡创作距离我成为修仙大能已经过去了上万年,我的寿命还是那么生机勃勃,不见枯竭!我已经活成了一个老妖怪!我不知道自己存 在的意义何在?我很孤独,没有一个朋友,有的只是一馋言趋势想从我身上捞到任何好处的小人。我时常在一个山洞里独自呆上几百年发呆,如果修仙能够重来一次,我还要不要那么孤独?直到偶然间我独自打扫一个只属于我的洞天宝藏时,翻出了那本泛黄的厚厚的日记簿,我才猛然记起,原来在我当初初为一个小修士时,我还有写日记的习惯。随意找到一处角落,翻开日记,我的思绪陷入了长长的回忆中……本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】小兵提供我的修仙日记最新章节我的修仙日记最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-82833 >>




内容简介:小兵提供淮北梦游中大神最新作品《诸天系统终结者》最新章节列表,诸天系统终结者全文阅读,诸天系统终结者无弹窗,请关注诸天系统终结者吧,本站最新最快更新诸天系统终结者的最新章节。1w0-7 7588 >>

大叔,别来可好(陆丰泽 林芝芝)

内容简介:林芝芝生来爹不疼妈不爱,大学没毕业,就被当成交易品卖了。某天,在亲眼目睹了丈夫和自己的亲小姨上床之后,她鼓起所有的勇气,扑倒了丈夫的小舅。“小舅,帮我!”她哀求。男人长指挑起她的下颔, 深沉的黑眸,暗芒灼热,“帮你可以,拿你自己,换你想要的。”喜欢《大叔,别来可好(陆丰泽林芝芝)》的朋友们可以分享到朋友圈、QQ好友或微博哦谢谢支持啦林芝芝生来爹不疼妈不爱,大学没毕业,就被当成交易品卖了。某天,在亲眼目睹了丈夫和自己的亲小姨上床之后,她鼓起所有的勇气,1w0-125065 >>


内容简介:类型:言情古色古香爱情她是一个相貌寻常,却博学多才的清冷薄情女子,他是一个天赋异禀,却痼疾缠身的冷峻腹黑少年。命运让她们相遇,那年,她十四岁,他九岁,她成了他的小夫子,她成了他的师父。 女师男徒,两人虽相差五岁,却演绎出一段惊心动魄的爱情……重现终南山下,一见杨过误终身的爱情神话。他天赋异禀,却痼疾缠身、阴戾冷酷;她相貌寻常,却博学广闻、清冷薄情。腹黑王者,少女帝师,乱世中演绎一场惊天动地的师徒绝恋。师徒文出书版完结【内容简介2】刘盈是博学多才,却容貌平凡的清冷女子,胡荼是天赋异禀,却痼疾缠身的冷漠少年。貌似不相干的两个人,偏偏相遇了。那年,她十四岁,他九岁,她成了他的小夫子。他百般刁难、千般恶语,恨不得小夫子知难而退。偏偏,越是相处,越是心惊,不知不觉喜欢上不该喜欢的你……十六岁那年,他冲破世俗的伦理,痛痛快快地将小夫子吃干抹净。“夫子,这世上惟你知我,可为何你却如此无情?”女师男徒,超脱世俗,演绎一场惊心动魄的旷世绝恋……【作者简介】梨魄,80后古言小说人气作家,兼图书编辑。生性温和,偶尔风趣。痴迷汉字之美,每每流连忘返。常以为指间敲下平仄,落墨绽开繁花,是人间雅乐。已出版:《琅环流光》、《妖殇》、《小魔女的冒险日记》、《迷糊小皇后》等。1w0-81724 >>


内容简介:宋执梳觉得,人死也要死的体面,不管你活着的时候有多牛逼,你坟被挖了还是不能让别人抠666所以,宋执梳出了车祸之后,就是坟都莫得白团子:宿主666无奈之下,她只好走上降低反派黑化值得不归 路。但是当事人觉得小说里那些牛逼哄哄的都是骗人的,她莫得金手指,莫得小棉袄,就成天对着黑化值快爆了的反派假笑,万一哪天人家不高兴拖着光头强的枪就给你崩了呢喂喂喂!就是说你呢!降低你黑化值你对我动手动脚做什么?是不是脑子有病病?刚刚还委屈屈的反派彻底黑化,他猛地扑倒宋执梳,勾唇一笑:“阿梳,你逃不掉了。”妈耶装逼装过头了。1w0-32696 >>


Sakumiya Minagi and his adopted older brother Amou live in a family which protects the katana's, 'Kiriyasha' and 'Hagasumi'. Kiriyasha has been known to be attracted to blood and the only thing that can stop it is the sword 'Hagasumi'. After the death of Minagi's father, strange people start to appear around Minagi, some attacking him and others protecting him. Soon after, his brother Amou breaks the seal of the Kiriyasha and leaves the Sakumiya house after killing his mother. Minagi now has to fight his brother with the Hagasumi and seal the Kiriyasha once again.

Kindan Spell

By Backlash67: Fei and Gilbert (a.k.a. Gil) are childhood friends that attend The Sorcerer's Academy. This is the school where students train to become magic users. Of the two, Gil is the genius and Fei is the idiot. Fei is instructed to organize the school library and while doing so happens across a forbidden spell book. Fei intended to use a spell from the book to change others outlook of him; as well as, use a spell to control others emotions. However, the spell backfires and causes Gil to become amoured with Fei. Read on to find out how Fei and Gil's relationship changes now that Gil is under Fei's love spell. Will their relationship continue once the spell is removed or will they forever be tied by the love enchantment?

The Legend Of Mikazuchi

On a remote island Mikazuchi is training to become a swordmaster. He dreams of visiting the outside world where he can meet girls. He grew up with Honoka who holds complicated feelings about Mikazuchi. This small island is protected by the divine gods and receives no visitors. The only things that ever happen are small quarrels between Mikazuchi and Honoka. These peaceful days are shattered when Saya, a mysterious beautiful young woman, is washed upon the shore! The seal of the Yaoyorozu gods has been broken and a group of deformed monsters emerge. Honoka's parents prove powerless before the demons and are killed. Even the holy sword bestowed by the gods to protect the island since ancient times loses its divine powers and splits into two. Now they are faced with absolute danger! Then, Saya's sacred powers save them. The holy madonna Saya's blessings bestowed through a kiss brings about a Western sword that can destroy horrible monsters instantly. Mikazuchi begins his tumultuous journey carrying the holy sword. The story is set in Japan's Edo period, taking us through a whirlpool of conspiracy. The worlds of mythology and legend are interwoven into this definitive romantic action comic. With the slash of the two swords, one divine and one holy, a fascinating, neo-historical romance filled with mystery and surprises unfolds.

Kidou Senshi Gundam: Zeon No Saiko

Taking place between Gundam ZZ and Char’s Counterattack, the Earth Federation has a tactical advantage over Neo-Zeon forces stationed on Earth. Despite this, a few Earth-based units have decided to make the withdrawal back to space while some would stay behind and conduct guerrilla warfare against them.

Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes

Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes summary: Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Young Wives' Tales

Young Wives' Tales summary: Young Wives' Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Young Wives' Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge

The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge summary: The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Simon Magus

Simon Magus summary: Simon Magus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Simon Magus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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