
























简介玩世不恭的少年在“偶然”的死亡后结识了神秘的少女,为了复活许下了看似简单的条件,但是未知的险恶早已悄然所致…… 每周6更新 群:180521019 154130913 290666479








内容简介:刚办完退休手续的姜斌,情绪有些低落,人生还没有来得及享受,却已经结束。一辈子的恩怨交织,爱恨情仇,好像也没有了意义。老天似乎也感受了这些不甘,一觉醒来,姜斌回到了17岁那年……1w0- 128498 >>


内容简介:我十岁时,家里又迎来不幸,父亲再一次保镖的途中,遇山贼打劫,由于这时他已四十多岁,再加上独力抚养我,近几年精力已衰,功夫已退步很多。和盗贼打斗中不敌被砍成重伤,生命垂危。就在我即将成为 孤儿的时候,离家十年的二叔李海天却不期而回,于是父亲才放下最后的心事撒手西去,去世之前对这次受伤仍耿耿于怀,又一次输在李家的软肋内功上,“练拳不练功,到老一场空”弥留之际嘴里仍喃喃着“内功、内功”不止。1w0-82851 >>




内容简介:  【爽宠文】第一次见面,她抱了他的腰,差点儿被他掐死。第二次见面,他翻进她的闺房,掀了她的被子,他说:扯平!一场赐婚,莫璃被接回京城,一不小心惹上冷酷嗜血、人人敬畏的摄政王。后来,经 历追妻火葬场的摄政王终于抱得美人归时,却不曾想,被他求才不得、屡请不到的俊美神医,是莫璃女扮男装。被他恨之入骨、恨不得挫骨扬灰的毒美人,也是莫璃本璃……*大师兄:我与莫璃自幼青梅竹马长大,乃是天作之合,我愿以性命相守,护她一生!皇帝:莫璃五岁时亲口答应嫁给朕,不可欺君!朕愿以江山为聘,封她为后,携手共赏大好山河!江湖某少主:莫璃是我命定之人,我愿以万两黄金为聘,求娶她当少主夫人,任她江湖肆意!莫璃生父:我的宝贝女儿,没我的同意,看谁敢碰?莫璃外公:我家有皇位等她继承,除非入赘,否则免谈!委委屈屈的景王:哪个我都惹不起,我暗恋!摄政王将莫璃堵在墙角,戾气十足:敢答应他们,本王即刻毁灭这个世界!最终,莫璃为了拯救全世界,成为摄政王妃……莫璃致全世界苍生:给你们表达感谢的机会→看这本书╮(╯3╰)╭【马甲文】【打脸文】1w0-2832 >>


内容简介:重生:我是DNF教父最新章节由网友笔趣阁免费阅读提供,《重生:我是DNF教父》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,小兵免费提供重生:我是DNF教父最新清爽干净的文字章节在线 阅读。1w0-98091 >>


内容简介:群雄逐鹿,百家争鸣。一名手握八奇技的少年穿越到了阴阳家,在这个世界留下了属于他浓墨重彩的一笔。…………双全手:左控灵魂,右掌肉身,生死皆在一念之间!神机百炼:造化万物,铸造不死大军,平 定乱世!风后奇门:先天领周天,盖周天之变,化吾为王!炁体源流:术之尽头,天地同休……(简介无力,请看正文)1w0-96798 >>

Yokohama Monogatari

In 1875, after the death of her parents, Uno goes to live in the Kanou household as a companion to Mariko, who is the same age as Uno. The two girls become very close and attend Cimons private school. This great romance tells the story of the loves and dreams of two girls growing up during the westernization of Japan in the Meiji era.

Corset Ni Tsubasa

Chris is a tomboy whose relatives send her away to a boarding school after her father dies. As she grows up in Victorian England, Chris must decide whether to give in to what society expects of her, or to challenge it and follow her own dreams.

Over Time

This is about a lazy ass kind of a baseball player, Taro, and A very serious crazy baseball player, Takami, that want to make it to the top. They cross paths on a bus that crashes. Takami dies and Taro lives. Taro visits Takami's grave and sees Takami's ghost. His ghost tells Taro to take him to the koshien and fulfill his dream. Think of it as Taro no Baseball. (play on Hikaru no Go)

Shuukyuu Shoujo

Yuuki kun was one of the star players on his junior high school team; along with his childhood friend Shinichi. Due to a promise that he made with his female childhood friend Miyuki, Yuuki kun has decided to take the long road to the J League by joining a normal school club and winning tournaments, instead of taking recommendations like Shinichi did.... When he checks the club of his selected school, the best club in the country; he quickly notices that the club is completely devoid of any members except for a weird girl that goes by the name of the Fujisaki Rin. She along with her friend Ayane seem to have driven everyone out of the team.... But is it really that Rin and Ayane want to dissolve the soccer club? or could they possible want something else??.... And just what is exactly the promise that Yuuki did with his childhood friends? Well, regardless of the answers it seems that Yuuki isn't in for a smooth sailing, as he completely seems to have fallen into Fujisaki's hands...

Studies in Zechariah

Studies in Zechariah summary: Studies in Zechariah summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Studies in Zechariah. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Daily Issue Little Girl Misaki-chan!

Daily Issue Little Girl Misaki-chan! summary: A 23 year old middle school graduate. Having cut ties with his parents, his hobbies include drinking, tobacco, and gambling. That kind of man is raising a child.
“Fine by me, I’ll do it”
The man set forth on becoming a splendid parent from the very bottom, his second life starts. In that process, learning the the warmth of a family, slowly he becomes an upright human but . . . . . . such extreme doting, besides himself everyone is drawing away, you know?
This is a story of a man who lives at the base of society but through raising a child he worries, struggles, and has a romantic comedy. All while keeping his eyes on becoming a splendid parent.

In the Irish Brigade

In the Irish Brigade summary: In the Irish Brigade summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Irish Brigade. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Darkness Inside You

The Darkness Inside You summary: She, who has demon voice inside of her mind that caused deaths to those people whom she had considered as her family. She fell in love, not only once but twice, and they only ended up dead in front of her eyes. All the people that got closed to her, they just didn 't last long. And... He, who can see dark creatures of a person that a normal couldn 't. The first and only one who can see her dark...

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