































内容简介:一:听说鉴定部要迎来第七个协助。众人心知肚明,主区下来的人不过借着协助之名行监察之事,为的就是调查三年前E级异蛋失踪的真相。而这个被监察的重点对象,则是鉴定部唯一的高级鉴定师,沈知。在 沈知眼里,这些主区的眼睛天赋极差却眼高于顶,个个都是进两趟危险区就会丧命的草包。见到新来的协助之后,他默默的在在前头加了个修饰词。至少这次是个漂亮的草包。二:新来的协助不过二十二岁,却是个高级驯兽师,和沈知同属一级。沈知思忖,像这样的高岭之花,平常少不了被人献媚套近乎,一定十分厌恶被人过分亲近。让敌人远离自己的最好办法就是主动亲近敌人。于是他累了要人背,受伤了要人照顾,清理个伤口也表示草地太扎人了要躺人齐协助腿上。自以为用尽了浑身解数,齐宋该对他避而不及。等等……这人为什么不退反进?三:沈知不知道的是,他和齐宋其实相遇的很早。早到他的记忆尽数湮灭在十三年前鲜血淋漓的忏悔台上,坠入深渊后怀着屈辱苟且到现在。后来他发现原本意想中的死对头身后拿的也不是能将他刺死的尖刀,而是一盒度了十几年体温的糖果。当初见过沈知眼中星辰璀璨的少年已经长大,怀着满腔温柔越过千山万水来到他面前,只为告诉他,这世上还有人爱他。1w0-87888 >>




内容简介:她是乔少的心尖宠,她要天上的星星他都要摘给她。在她最绝望的时候,他出现了。拉着她的手说:“有我在。”在她最幸福的时候,他离开了。连同那片一起遇见的,最璀璨的星空。他是爱着的,却是不能靠 近的。她是恨着的,爱比恨更深。养成系甜文,微微一虐,表示敬意又名《猫猫养成记》1w0-96780 >>


内容简介:【日更,晚2100】【微博栖见只想打麻将】陆嘉珩二十年来一直觉得,这个世界上没有什么是钱解决不了的,如果解决不了,那说明钱不够多。直到他遇见了初栀。男人一双桃花眼开成扇,眼神暧昧的推给 她一张卡,暗示意味非常明显。初栀乖巧接过来。她太感动了,从记事起到现在,第一次有人给她钱,她觉得自己也应该回礼:“我家市中心的房子要动迁了,要么1w9900-97247 >>


内容简介:  穿越成玄幻世界强大世家的少爷,只因在宴席中打了个喷嚏,就被斥言行不端,罚出祖宅,到一偏僻小院居住。楚玄一点都不在意,只要有个地方宅着就行了,有越宅越强系统,只需要宅着就能变强。宅了 一天,奖励金刚不坏神功……宅了一个月,奖励不动如山功……宅了一年,奖励玉虚仙经+百年修为……宅了十年,奖励混沌不灭体+混沌钟…………楚玄表示,谁也别想让我出门,我就喜欢宅着!新书起航,欢迎来撩o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o1w0-4566 >>


内容简介:被誉为末日女杀神的沈茗死后再度醒来,成为了和平世界里一名十八线开开开外,声名狼藉的花瓶艺人沈姝茗。为了填饱肚子,沈茗表示无论什么活儿她都接了!于是,著名的花瓶美人开始霸屏全网。—综艺演 员们的竞技请她来参加,并给了天谴剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是给人做配表演出错嘛,简单。竞演直播当天,面若桃花,妩媚动人的沈茗表演了一出贵妃醉酒,不小心把实心木桌一拳打碎后。观众们:……!这这这还是侍儿扶起娇无力的杨贵妃?确定不是刚从梁山下来的哪位女壮士?—综艺一起去旅行请她来参加,并给了作精剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是装柔弱一点嘛,简单。可眼着如风拂柳般的花瓶美人一人扛俩行李箱,穿着高跟鞋压根不抖的上下楼梯四五趟,完事了在镜头面前面无表情娇嗔好累人的时候。观众们:……!你好歹喘个气流流汗啊。没看到隔壁阳光肌肉型的流量小生都开始抖腿了吗?—综艺悠闲生活请她来参加,并给了CP剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是跟陆影帝表个白嘛,简单。第一期播出,只见沈茗一个人扛起大斧头熟练的砍柴,烧火,一个人干翻三亩地,在大庭广众之下边啃着苞米,边面无表情的跟陆影帝说:我喜欢你。观众们:……?你但凡笑一笑,苞米啃的速度慢一点,我们特么就信了!被沈茗蹭了不知道多少热度的陆影帝眯着眼看了她许久,莞尔一笑:“那我们从今天开始交往吧。”综艺首播当日,收视爆表,全网瘫痪。众网友开盘下注这对CP什么时候解绑。可眼看着花瓶美人上野外生存类综艺带飞全员,演电影打戏流畅自然从不用替身,替受到欺负的女艺人仗义出手,拿到影后桂冠被那位当众求婚时。他们这才顿悟,这对CP锁死了啊。1w0-1409 >>

Chuugoku Yome Nikki

From DrCoke at MangaHelpers: This is a diary-style 4koma manga that depicts the daily life and observations of the 40 year old author, who married a 26 year old Chinese girl. The author immediately states that this manga-style blog was meant to show the quirky and interesting nature of his young wife. He is an extremely stereotypical 'otaku' (Japanese nerd), while she is a Chinese girl enjoying and learning the Japanese culture.

Trauma Ryoushi Kesshou

From MangaHelpers: Tokitou Haruto, during his first year in middle school, lost all of his friends because of a Science Fiction novel he had read. He was so engrossed in the novel that he started calling men “Kei” and the ladies “Florlain,” which had spread throughout the school at that time. Unable to cope with the sudden exclusion, Haruto continued to isolate himself throughout his middle school years. Now, as a first year high schooler, Haruto faces a new “problem.” One casual day at school, the classroom becomes perfectly still. Time has stopped again. Having experienced this time-stop multiple times, Haruto begins to wonder if this time-stop is actually a dream. But all of this doubt stops when he meets Sakazaki Kuon, someone else who knows and experiences the time-stop. She is also part of a team of members who defends the world from monsters who attack the world using this time-stop dimension: Kohakjal. What relation does Haruto have with a group who fends off time-stop monsters? Could it be that he's the only who can truly fight them off? [Midori-Mori]

Kashimashi - Girl Meets Girl

At the start of Kashimashi, a young high school boy named Hazumu Osaragi declares his love to classmate and close friend Yasuna Kamiizumi, but she quickly rejects him. Dejected, Hazumu climbs Mt. Kashima and is killed when an alien spacecraft accidentally crash lands on him. To rectify this, the alien in the ship named Hitoshi Sora brings Hazumu back to life, but inadvertently regenerates him as a female right down to the DNA level. This change in Hazumu serves as the catalyst for the development of character interactions for the remainder of the series. Now Hazumu must learn how to be the girl his parents always wanted while dealing with the trials and tribulations of being caught in a love triangle between two girls--his childhood friend, Tomari, and Yasuna, the girl who rejected him but is now strangely attracted to him/her!

Ice Eagle Fire Hawk

Working in the public relations department of the Imperial Capital Bank, Gojyou Takashi is very annoyed over his previous manager’s sudden demotion. Gojyou believes that the real cause of the demotion is because of the newly appointed manager who was originally working in a government body. At this time, Gojyou met a pretty guy in a pub. They were attracted to each other and spent a passionate night together. The man was gone when Gojyou woke up. To his surprise, his newly appointed manager, who is from the government-parachutist-into-private-industry system, is actually the same man as the night before! The love story of a passionate public relations chief and a young elite!

The Man With The Golden Torc

The Man With The Golden Torc summary: The Man With The Golden Torc summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Man With The Golden Torc. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Esther Waters

Esther Waters summary: Esther Waters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Esther Waters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Secrets of the Woods

Secrets of the Woods summary: Secrets of the Woods summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Secrets of the Woods. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Dungeon’s Demon Lord is the Weakest

The Dungeon’s Demon Lord is the Weakest summary: G.o.d left a dungeon in the hands of a boy known as the Demon Lord.
After receiving multiple blessings from G.o.d, let’s start my life as a Demon Lord! …Or that’s how it was suppose to be, but G.o.d messed up and created the worlds’ weakest Demon Lord ever. To continue living, I have to continue making dungeons.
This story is about an idiotic protagonist, a lonely demons’ child, an Undine who lives in a bathtub, and a princess who fell in love with the Demon Lord, even though she was human. A story that all unfolded during a bath.

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