





















Change - 变身

简介 一个男高中生在一场意外中被雷打到,莫名其妙变成了女儿身之后发生的校园故事。










内容简介:在水泽中讨生活的渔民‘陈小柏’,绑定最牛捕鱼系统,能追踪鱼群的位置,于是陈小柏发达了!……而且每捕捉到一条鱼,都能得到龙气奖励。龙气可以用来修炼。当修炼到极致,就能化为神龙,遨游五湖四 海!渔民‘陈小柏’能否积攒到足够的龙气,化为神龙呢?1w0-85471 >>


内容简介:【《化血真经》觉醒低级灵智。】【《化血真经》解锁个性:将进酒。】【《龙象般若经》与《因果转业诀》志趣相投,解锁羁绊:净化。】【《百八烦恼拜》解锁个性:求败。】【《无间印法》解锁高级形态 :小黑屋。】【《玲珑心机》被关进小黑屋,反省出个性:奕道。】我有一镜。左书‘通灵’。右书‘解语’。中间写着通天大道!1w0-82435 >>


内容简介:李欢穿越到大佬林立的竞技场世界。神话、时间规划局、火影忍者、狂暴巨兽、毒液、暮光之城、大剑、EVA、死神……诸天万界,各显神通。见识过许多大佬,他也想当大佬了。已有百万字完结作品《穿越 诸天的怪兽》。群号:181891402本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《大佬竞技场》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-46466 >>


内容简介:高考毕业后,苏然加载了神豪卡牌系统,只要享受生活,就能获得财富卡牌与技能卡牌。苏然只想安安静静的当个神豪,过上他认为的财富自由后的惬意生活。去自己想去的地方,邂逅值得邂逅的人,体验不一 样的新鲜。不过,怀财如同怀孕,时间一久总会被发现……成为神豪以后多年,苏然站在十字路口,是选择青梅,还是天降……本书又名:《财富自由后的恋爱日常》《青梅抵不过天降》《这个神豪画风不一样》《成为神豪玩转全球》1w0-96213 >>




内容简介:免费提供作者福英福英的经典小说:《小尤物》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说原家的小少爷,才智过人,温润如玉,在一众大院子弟中最为出众,大家唯独惋惜他天生体弱, 不能剧烈运动。只有寄居原家的白琼知道,当初他为了救她,拎着棍子以一挑十后,薄冷的嘴唇亲上她时,呼吸是有多粗重。很久之后,白琼伸手抵在男人胸口,气弱地拒绝:“你不可以剧烈运动……”原修笑着帮人转身,从背后拥吻上她的耳朵:“还有更剧烈的,你要不要试?”【阅读提示】1、男主病会好,可以做剧烈运动!2、校园双暗恋,贼甜。1w0-35497 >>

Link - Boku To Kimi No Aida

After enrolling in a college, Mitsu begins living in a boarding house in hopes of living a peaceful life. But the people whom he lives with are made up of different personalities and they had a welcoming party for him. But the next day when he wakes up, he finds himself lying next to his next door neighbor... The novelist, Tsuburaya. Moreover, Mitsu can feel this throbbing pain coming from his butt, what could be the meaning of this...?

Kaze No Yukue

Sequel to Memory of the Future (Mirai no Kioku) Kento is mild-mannered, straightforward and quite honestly, a bit boring. At 26 he's landed his first full-time position teaching at high school and does everything he can to make his grandparents, who took him in to raise after his parents' tragic death, proud of him. Unfortunately Kento is gay... and they ~don't~ approve. Enter Akira, a ticking-time bomb with a perpetual evil smirk, a ridiculously flamboyant wardrobe and a tendency to hit on anything that moves. Akira's everything Kento isn't... including drop-dead gorgeous and mindbendingly annoying. It's almost a miracle that the two of them have been dating for over a year!! But after all that time, Akira's still keeping some secrets... secrets that aren't going to reflect well on Kento's choice in a partner. Would Kento's grandparents ever survive the shock of their son dating the child of a sex-worker and an alien? Or will they, as Akira puts it, 'cough up their pacemakers'?! Does Kento care more about his family's opinion of him, or his high-maitanance lover's deep-seated social inferiority complex? An extremely sweet (and funny) story of two people who couldn't be more different, or more perfect for each other. (from doki doki)

Namida Mo Tooku - Aonibi No Nemuri

1-3) Blue Grey Dream After the failure attempt of eloping with his customer, Shiki (Purple Ghost), a male prostitute, gave up his hope for love… until Ootori-sensei came along. Will Shiki finally find what he had been looking for…!? So what if there's a huge gap on their social standings, what's so wrong about living and loving for the moment? Enjoy this forbidden love story in the red-light district. 4) Untied Heartbeat Shinobu and Washizaki parted ways in the most terrible of circumstances and after the many years that have passed, Shinobu is still scarred by the incident. When Washizaki returns to Japan and seeks treatment for cancer at Shinobu’s hospital, Shinobu must face his past and find a resolution to the difficult feelings he’s hidden deep inside. 5) Heartthrob Prince Noriaki, a normal Japanese high school student befriends transfer student, Zeid, a prince from overseas. As Zeid accustoms himself to Japan, Noriaki, although frustrated with Zeid’s broken Japanese, finds the prince increasingly more charismatic and charming. Can Zeid charm his way into Noriaki’s heart, and ultimately, his bed?

Ikioku - The Cooler Half

This beautifully drawn short story by Yôko Nihonbashi, creator of G senjô Heaven’s Door, introduces the silent, beautiful Yaeko Shimura, a woman who brings new meaning to the words dutiful wife and good friend.

Robert Elsmere

Robert Elsmere summary: Robert Elsmere summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Robert Elsmere. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fat and Blood

Fat and Blood summary: Fat and Blood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fat and Blood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Ilustrado summary: Ilustrado summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ilustrado. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Skyroad summary: Crowned as the ‘Legendary Horseman of the Polaris’, the gifted player created his own tactics – Herding Calvary a.s.sault Spread – and bested the number one archer in the nation, Bei Mingxue. He was thus praised as the number one knight on the rankings of Skywarp. However, he was pushed aside by bad people, and eventually left the Silverfox club he had served for a long time. Will he sink, or will he rise again? Coincidentally, Yueheng corporation’s fourth game, ‘Skyroad’, has been officially released. Perhaps—perhaps the world will be shaken into turmoil once again.

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