内容简介:瑞根历史官场养成文,绝对够味!大周永隆二年。盛世隐忧。四王八公鲜花着锦,文臣武将烈火烹油。内有南北文武党争不休,外有九边海疆虏寇虎视。这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代。关键在于你 身处其中时,该如何把握。勇猛精进,志愿无倦,且看我如何定风流,挽天倾!历史官场养成文,兄弟们请多支持。瑞根铁杆书友群:5814702341w748-75660 >>
内容简介: 仙道缥缈,仙踪难觅。 李念凡以凡人之躯降临修仙世界,得知修仙无望后只想安稳度日。 却不知—— 他收养的一条狗,因为看他写诗作画,成为一代妖王,镇压一方世界。 他屋后栽种的树 木,因为听他弹琴奏曲,成为世界之树,撑起天地桥梁。 他遇到的一个路人,因为受他随口点化,成为仙道圣人,引领一个时代。 回首时—— 原来那位一直缠着他要字画的书生是仙界画圣,那位棋艺很烂的老头是仙界棋圣,那位每天晚上来听曲的美女是仙界第一圣女……1w0-1718 >>
内容简介:变态渣男柔柔,你不忍心杀我就是喜欢我。温柔杀人犯法,我愿意给你养老送终,包火化。女主自立自强,一路升级打怪,渣男只是生活调剂。你敢开门吗?你上一秒打开过的门,或许下一秒再打开就会被拉入 一个全新的陌生世界。门后有陷阱也有礼包,能不能回来就看你的运气了。1w0-71891 >>
内容简介:明姝沉迷于一本小说废寝忘食小说里的反派暴君深得她心奈何身为反派下场奇惨无比!愤怒写下千字差评一觉醒来她穿进了书里成为暴君新出炉的倒霉贵妃。看着眼前活生生的暴君明姝风中凌乱——这不是我崽 ?众人眼里的暴君嗜杀成性心狠手辣是位人人闻之色变的活阎王!明姝眼里的暴君怕黑怕打雷爱撒娇缺乏安全感心地善良嗜甜如命……这是什么绝世小可爱?!呜呜呜崽崽麻麻耐你!!为了改变崽崽惨死的结局母爱泛滥的明姝化身护崽狂魔!怒怼太后痛骂朝臣手撕宫妃……可是等等为什么崽崽看她的眼神越来越不对劲?——司褚幼时总是梦到一个少女她耐心教他读书认字细心为他处理伤口在每个雷雨夜温柔哄他入睡。后来有一天少女不见了。他掘地三尺也没把人找到。于是执念成魔双眼赤红他发了疯。就在他慨叹世间无趣打算毁天灭地的时候。他见到了一双亮晶晶会说话的眼睛。暴君眼神阴郁偏执唇边勾起凉薄笑意好啊倒是自己送上门了。——众人皆知暴君最是厌恶貌美娇弱嚣张跋扈的女子也不知那位娇滴滴的贵妃娘娘能活几时?*你来人间一趟记得看看太阳。1w15139-100627 >>
内容简介:恶魔们只需要灵魂,但天灾军团不同!他会压榨出每一份灵魂的剩余价值,即便是死亡的躯体也不会放过。而作为一位合格的巫妖王,就应当知道怎么去剥削超级英雄和反派。与恶魔对过峙,和死亡并过肩,海 里捉过小怪兽,在阿斯加德与海拉聊过天。当天灾的恶名无人不知,无人不晓之后。罗尔德带着麾下的亡灵大军,举起了手中的霜之哀伤,指着漫威里的各位超1w0-33929 >>
内容简介:新书《武神空间》,7月21日上传,大家多多支持!修炼了传说中诗仙李白遗留的功法《青莲圣歌》的人间武者秦方因为一个意外,跟随着几百年来唯一一个飞升者,张三丰前往了天界大荒!一个光怪陆离的 世界,一个人类盛极而衰的世界!顺则奴,逆则亡!踏古震今,登天路,逆仙行,狂歌天下!本书一群:252159101w0-27886 >>
Five years ago, Chika received flower seeds from a “mysterious” boy, who asked her to grow them until they bloom. Five years later, the flowers have not bloomed yet, but another boy has come in front of Chika, and claimed himself as the “mysterious” boy. Is he really the boy in Chika’s memory? And will Chika be able to grow the seeds?
(From MangaDownloads): Rough is a romance/sports story by the great Adachi, and this time he seems to have been inpired by Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: Yamato Keisuke, a promising freestyle swimmer, and Ninomiya Ami, a talented diver, are the offsprings of two rival families owners of confectionery shops. Two generations ago, Grandfather Ninomiya came up with an idea for an owl-shaped cake, but Grandfather Yamato quickly raised to the challenge and thought of a similar cake--but in Yamato's the owl had ears. Because they're priced the same, Yamato's extra ears were crucial, and that made the business of the Ninomiya confectionery suffered. Grandfather Ninomiya then fell ill worrying about his shop. Before his death, his last words were 'I was killed by the Yamatos', and since that moment the two families have been sworn rivals.
Taken from In The Water : Reality isn't a shoujo manga, and Miku Ikenouchi's friends know that perfectly well. But then again, they are not Miku-chan. The reason for this is that Miku-chan has a boyfriend, a third year, and is content with what she has. But then a chain of events occur which leaves Miku-chan with a rival (for cuteness), her father quitting his job... and a new roommate ?
It's 217 AD, several decades after the end of the 'Pax Romana,' and the Roman Empire is still the most powerful empire in the world. However, between corruption in the government, increasing attacks from savage hordes, and continuing resource-draining foreign campaigns, the power of Rome is on the decline. With the recent assassination of the emperor Caracalla, many things are about to change...
Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross summary: Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
After Dark summary: After Dark summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of After Dark. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Manasseh summary: Manasseh summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Manasseh. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Praise the Orc! summary: Synopsis: The virtual reality game that enthralled the entire world, Elder Lord! In the midst of avarice, the justice of a single orc begins! Editor’s Synopsis: Praise the Orc! is about Jung Ian, a cafe owner with a dark past, jumping into the world of virtual reality in order to protect his sister from any predators. However, things may not be as simple as he first believed them to be. Witness as he explores the lands of Elder Lord as an orc, a species labeled as the “game creator’s mistake”, defeating any and all before him!