简介【每周三&每周五】更新! 这位温润出尘的绝色美男,不仅治好了我的怪病,还要收我为徒?一日为师,终生为夫,小女子无以为报,唯有调戏扑倒!“师父,要抱抱~!”哎,你别跑呀! 官方QQ群:662055933,586311476
内容简介:下本开衍耽《被队友背刺后你不做人了》第二人称综漫,戳专栏可见【每天21点更新,有特殊情况会请假】推一下基友文:《如何向Gin提出离职》by流初《游戏BE后被他们找上门了》by墨离夜【文 案】我继承了一家宠物店,还有店里的小仓鼠。小仓鼠叫做阿GIN,黑风衣黑帽子,叼着瓜子看过来时,连那双豆豆眼都显得那么的高深莫测。我带着我的小仓鼠,将宠物店经营得风生水起。隔壁波洛咖啡厅的打工仔安室透问我你成功的秘诀是什么?我将阿GIN捧在手心,高高地举过了头顶,深情表白“因为我的阿GIN,是个经商天才啊!”再凶恶的客人,只要被阿GIN那双豆豆眼一看,都会乖乖地把身上的钱掏出来,捐给店里的动物们。我很感动,人间自有真情在。但是谁能告诉我,为什么宠物店奇怪的小动物越来越多啦。黑色的小松鼠迷倒了整条街的流浪猫猫。聒噪的小鹦鹉到处惹人嫌。嬉皮笑脸的柴犬甚至出道拍起了电影。日子过得单纯又美好。直到有一天,我被坏人抓住了。我以为我完了,但是坏人却被八百里外的牙签盒爆了头。阿GIN深藏功与名。我的阿GIN强无敌,赚钱打狙样样行!我抱住了我的阿GIN,感动地赞美道:“我的阿GIN可真是全天下最会打狙的鼠鼠了!”正在装填武器的阿赤狠狠地呸了一声。————都别吵啦,你们都是我的翅膀!观看指南(一些排雷):我没开过宠物店,所有关于开店的事情全是我的臆想。OOC有1w0-109659 >>
内容简介:与编辑商议于12月1日入v大家多多支持哦推一下我的预收《成为英灵后开始996》下有简介有什么是比重生在一个咒灵妖怪满地跑的世界更悲催的事吗?有禅院樱祈用实力告诉你那就是没有咒力也没有灵 力!禅院樱祈:前有阴阳师随时暴毙后有咒术师随时猝死能活下来全靠天与咒缚血条厚!看似废人其实超猛的禅院樱祈成功掀翻屑男人们霸气上位成为第一位天与咒缚的家主。刚开始相杀相爱的处个对象没想到一招不慎被脑花1w0-74523 >>
内容简介:「入坑请务必看完排雷」全文完,连载及完结后曾有多次修改,完整版只在晋江。简体出版信息及更多小剧场or番外请戳微博晋江小多梨舒瑶被长辈强制性安排一场相亲。还没等到见面,对方小情人就一个接 一个、哭哭啼啼来找舒瑶要说法。数量多到舒瑶怀疑自己捅了鸡窝。以牙还牙,舒瑶当机立断,请来一个男人来陪自己演戏。男人姓梁名衍,相貌气质皆拔尖。相亲那日。她雇来的人闲散地坐在主位之上。袅袅红茶香,衬衫纽扣一丝不苟地扣到最顶端,一双眼睛沉静如墨,微笑看着舒瑶。舒瑶的相亲对象,恭恭敬敬地对他叫了一声:“大哥。”后来,前相亲对象向舒瑶再三保证,要与那些莺莺燕燕划清界限梁衍自卧室中走出,慢条斯理系上衬衫纽扣,望着脸青一块白一块的前相亲对象:“你大嫂对你私人感情毫无兴趣。”在得知舒瑶长达一月未曾踏出梁衍房门后,朋友注意到,连续三天,梁衍脖子上都顶着新鲜抓痕,低气压满满。碍于他本人那恐怖的掌控欲,朋友忍不住暗暗揣测,梁衍是不是对舒瑶做了刑法上的事情。商议之后,几人战战兢兢上门,一探究竟阳光灿烂,舒瑶锁骨处印着小草莓,在开开心心打游戏。梁衍细致擦去她唇边残留的奶渍。温柔又耐心。朋友苦口婆心劝诫舒瑶:“你不怕今后衣食住行全由梁衍一手安排,永远活在他监视之下、只能穿着漂亮衣服撸猫养狗、除了金钱外一点儿自由都没有吗”舒瑶眼前一亮:“这天堂般的生活在现实中真的存在吗”我喜欢你眼中只有我的样子但我也会为你学会克制你所以为的全部偶然,都是他暗地里的蓄谋已久恳请务必要看的排雷指南1男主白切黑,掌控欲极极极极强,雷者慎入;女主性格含有「夸张」成分患病,非大女主文,喜欢女强的勿入。男女主皆「遵纪守法」,「文风小白且沙雕」,考据党勿入,追求严肃深度及现实文学的勿入这点很重要,喜欢严肃深度现实的基本上都接受不了这么小白的文。2年龄差八,25身高差,「非现实向」,皆无前任,彼此「唯一」;诸多巧合以及阴差阳错只为推动男女感情线。有记忆缺失梗。3作者是人,也会思虑不周。有错处请温和指出,拒绝人身攻击以及无理由谩骂;吵架从未赢过选手,谁杠我我啾咪谁。4接受不了有一大学老师是反面人物炮灰的勿进,反派所说话并非作者本意,请勿拿反派三观对标作者三观5文章更新错误版本的不要来文下乱指点江山。6暂时也不知道有什么雷点了,先空着,等有人指出再补充1w0-83202 >>
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Isekai Tanjou Series summary: Isekai Tanjou Series summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Isekai Tanjou Series. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Can Someone Please Explain This Situation summary:
For the large sum of money to help her husband, she chose to be a surrogate mother covertly. Her sweetheart was out of trouble, but she became the woman of loose morals in his eyes. Misunderstanding, disappointment and sadness forced her to divorce the man she loved from the childhood.
When she was determined to start new life, another man burst into her life. “You are my baby’s mommy and you are my wife!” A big surprise hit her that her baby’s Daddy, the man she surrogated for, fell in love with her at his first sight.
His deep love convinced her to believe the affection of love again. Unexpectedly, her ex-husband returned to beg her recombination. One was her childhood sweetheart, and the other was the man who loved her and gave her hope for a new life……Facing the two men, what is her choice?
Baltimore and The Nineteenth of April, 1861 summary: Baltimore and The Nineteenth of April, 1861 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Baltimore and The Nineteenth of April, 1861. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Twelfth Hour summary: The Twelfth Hour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Twelfth Hour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.