简介真灵大陆,宗门千万,强者如林。一个大家族子弟因为奇异的变故从庸才变为天才,不但能过目不忘,感知敏锐,领悟力更是直上云霄,成为妖一样的存在。 热血激烈的对决,顶级天才的碰撞,武学不再局限于凡间,同样能翻江倒海,上天入地。一切皆在剑道独尊!
简介陈曦本是一个养女,没有恶毒的继母也没有悲情的童年,反而当了十六年富家小姐,却不想一场突如其来的变故让其身陷困境,也正因如此,陈曦遇见了让她倾心也让她死心的谢庭月,面对陈曦这个仇家之女的谢庭月,本以为一场预谋的婚姻不过是他报仇的手段,可爱情却在悄然发生。 制作工作室:蓬江区大熊设计工作室 作者:ALLENLU 主笔:40599 脚本:多洛 上色:无语 勾线:健忘 每周四更新
内容简介:(日更,晚六点,于入V,预收文《勾走他的心》求收藏哇)文案:某个大型晚宴上,众人猜测多金又矜贵的顾少会带哪个名媛赴宴。是前段时间传过绯闻的张家千金,还是一直对他有意的李家千金?然而,被 他牵着走下车的却是一个从未见过的、外貌清秀温婉的姑娘。路人甲:“顾少今儿突然换口味了?新鲜啊……”路人乙:“这也……太素了吧?”路人丙:“就是逢场作戏罢了。”但接下来——他竟然当着许多人的面,蹲在小姑娘面前,旁若无人地给她穿鞋。众人惊掉了下巴。姜媱面色酡红,弓着脚背,用只有他俩能听到的音量对顾穆年说:“喂,你不是不喜欢我穿这双鞋吗……”顾穆年抬头睨了她一眼,语气冰冷,“谁缠着我求了一个下午?”他抓着她脚踝的手没有松开,继续说:“等会儿挽紧我,不准摔倒。”姜媱莞尔,“啰里啰嗦……”顾穆年这辈子做的最‘难以启齿’的事,就是年少时悄悄给一个女孩写了封情书。更跌份儿的是,即使结果‘石沉大海’,他还是不死心。【甜美温婉但敢在老虎屁股上拔毛的小仙女VS口嫌体正直又超级护短的大灰狼】【珠宝设计师x珠宝大亨】——下一本校园小甜饼:《勾走他的心》求预收戳专栏可见文案一:甘念主动把许怀深堵在班级门口,已经是这周第三次了。她捏住对方的校服下摆,眉梢微挑,笑得勾人:“许怀深,我就只问你一道物理题,好不好?”许怀深沉默了一下,拨开她的手,目不斜视地走了。后来某天放学。许怀深听说甘念要和别班男生去跑步,直接走到她桌边拦住她:“回家好好做题。”她垂眸,故作委屈:“做了那么多题,你都不看我一眼,还做个什么劲?”谁料男生直接俯下脸,将一个热烫的亲吻印在她唇角,他声音低沉:“还做不做?”文案二:许怀深的梦里原本只有数理化直到他无意间看见了甘念盈盈一握的半截腰肢此后晚上的梦便换了个滋味【肤白貌美超会撩的小狐狸×寡冷内敛但占有欲超强的假书生】本文Tips,1V1,男主不渣!!主都市2超级甜,甜甜甜,漫天撒糖文案已截图1w0-53598 >>
内容简介:纪修意外穿越西游世界,成为唐僧的后爹刘洪,与佛门结下大因果!还好,纪修激活复制合成系统。可以复制一切功法,法宝,修为……可以把普通功法,合成为神级功法,普通法宝,合成为洪荒至宝……纪修 第一件事情,就是跑去五指山,把孙悟空的72变,九转玄功,筋斗云,太乙金仙修为给复制了……1w0-26646 >>
内容简介: 有一天,方觉宇的父母把他叫到书房。方父:“儿子,你今年也满20岁了,有些事是时候告诉你了!”方觉宇:“什么事?您不会突然告诉我您是个富翁吧。”方父一惊:“你都知道了?”方觉宇:“卧 槽?真的?我瞎说的。”方父:“不过这不是重点,今天我要把我们家一代代传下来的传家宝交给你!”从此方觉宇的生活出现了翻天覆地的变化。什么?你和我谈古董字画?你要王羲之的书法还是郑板桥的画作?哦,对了,梵高还送了我祖祖祖爷爷一幅画!你说为什么?因为他们的求学之路就是我的祖先们资助的!你要和我谈跑车?你是说兰博基尼,法拉利还是布加迪威龙?那些公司都有我的股份,而且我还是最大的股东!啥?你家里有矿?不好意思,非洲的好多金矿钻石矿也都是我家的!书友群:8669389371w0-944 >>
内容简介:千古淫姬—红玉篇:古剑奇谭第三女主角剑灵红玉的同人痴女文,剧情主要讲述古剑DLC千古剑灵之前的内容,以及主线剧情结束后红玉为了能够成功吸引紫胤真人而接受调教的故事,文中出现的游戏人物包 括炤夫人、姒父、欧阳少恭、巽芳公主、百里屠苏、紫胤真人、尹千觞、陵越、陵端、芙蕖、瑾娘、风晴雪、向天笑、延枚等,这些人都参与了女主的H戏份,而且为了迎合广大的紫红CP粉,最终设定了在一起(误)的完美结局。娲皇痴女-晴雪篇:风晴雪为救屠苏,获得女娲指点,放弃轮回转世成为肉体不坏的娲皇痴女,踏上了寻找辟邪之骨并榨取收集曾与屠苏有交集之人的精液之路。1w0-27942 >>
One day, a young man is found unconscious outside the shared-household where Ayato lives. Despite the warnings of one of his housemates, Ayato lets the person live with them temporarily. It turns out that the young man is Ryou, who used to be Ayato’s childhood friend back when he was two years old. Both of them had previously been separated since eleven years ago, but are now reunited. Ayato, filled with happiness as he reminisces about their early memories, is gradually drawn to Ryou. However, Ryou appears to be glum with melancholy, as if he’s hiding something important…?!
The heroine is named Kinoshita Sakiko. She is 20 years old, and a college student. She is totally in love with her 28 year old university professor, Chifyu-sensei. He is tall, moody, and handsome, with short dark hair and sexy eyes. Unfortunately for Sakiko, he always refuses her very aggressive displays of affection. Yet she never gives up. Even when faced with a housing crisis, Sakiko goes to drastic lengths to earn money so she can stay in the area and continue her pursuit of her teacher. However Sakiko isn't very bright when it comes to making money. She actually tries to sell herself on a street corner!! But her price is too high, and no one is interested. Then she meets a guy on the street named Natsuo. He is also really cute, with long blond hair. He is interested in Sakiko, and after one really great kiss, he takes her to his apartment. Things are starting to get steamy when they are interrupted by the arrival of Natsuo's roommate. Guess who it is?
From Translated Treasures: It is a multi-perspective story following several different characters. The central character is Archer Rogue. Archer's entire family is a bit off-kilter. His father Ed is bi-polar due to physical abuse from his father as a child. As a result, he beats Archer at times ('for his own good'), or swings to a scared, child-like persona and is incapable of even feeding himself. Archer's childhood was understandably difficult, and he's a rather closed-off, violent person as a result. His older half-brother Murphy is mentally retarded. The story follows Archer (street name: El Gato) as he works with Deano to infiltrate the drug cartel that has a long-standing grudge against his gang. Along the way he meets Ken, not knowing that he is also infiltrating the cartel (for the police). It contains lots of conflict between groups, inside of groups, and with seeming random strangers. The stories in the first volume are in published order, rather than chronological: the first manga begins with Archer being released from prison for shooting his father. Then it goes back to a young 15-year-old Archer and how it all started. Prequel to Inu no Ou
Kitagawa doesn't know what all the girls see in the cool emotionless Iijima, so he starts spying on him. One day he catches Iijima doing something completely unexpected!
The Young Engineers in Mexico summary: The Young Engineers in Mexico summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Young Engineers in Mexico. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ten Great Events in History summary: Ten Great Events in History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ten Great Events in History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Spooner Federation: Freedom's Scion summary: Spooner Federation: Freedom's Scion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Spooner Federation: Freedom's Scion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The First Airplane Diesel Engine: Packard Model DR-980 of 1928 summary: The First Airplane Diesel Engine: Packard Model DR-980 of 1928 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The First Airplane Diesel Engine: Packard Model DR-980 of 1928. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.